I'm Tony Banks. And this is my political blog. I am neither right-wing or left-wing or any other type of wing. I speak on behalf of no political organization, special interest or no, and I have no hidden political agenda and I'm certainly NOT trying to "change" things politically. The opinions and/or observations expressed on this blog are just that: MY opinions and/or observations. Kindly treat them as such. Oh yeah, I was also BLOCKED by Keith Olbermann AND noted SJW Arthur Chu on Twitter!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Avril Lavigne - Hello Kitty (Or: The Left Gets Its "Racist" Panties In A Bunch Again!)
The Left has found a new target in its ongoing "war" against racism in (so-called) popular culture: pop starlet Avril Lavigne, specifically her video for her song Hello Kitty. So why has The Left targeted this particular video as being The R Word? This video, according to The Lefties who have targeted it, say it slanders Asians. Which I found a bit odd because, for one, The Left usually use The R Word against celebs who are White Southerners and/or who appeal to White Southerners (think Paula Deen and that Duck Dynasty guy), and two, the very same lefties who are targeting Miss Lavigne gave Stephen Colbert a free pass when he got slammed for mocking Asians on his show (which, to be honest, was far more "slanderous" to Asians than THIS rather ridiculous video!). Apparently the ones who are up-in-arms about this particular video have NEVER seen Japanese anime/manga that regularly shows young girls being, shall we say, manhandled by randy Octopuses and whatnot (hence the phrase "tentacle porn"). Again, I was surprised the lefties went after Avril Lavigne for her vid since they [the lefties] usually give a free pass to left-wing celebrities for their "racist" behavior (think Julianne Hough and Sarah Silverman wearing BLACKFACE). This is yet another reason why I detest The Left as much as I do The Right since they BOTH express fake outrage over shit (although admittedly The Left has taken the concept of fake outrage to a whole new level!).
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Ed Schultz Confirms The Obvious: Admits MSNBC In The Tank For Obama On Air
Here's a clip of MSNBC "leftie" pundit Ed Schultz--whom I call the Jethro Bodine of the political pundit world!--actually admitting how MSBNC is in the "tank" for--who else!--Barack Obama. Now I'm sure Jon "I'm Still Just a Comedian, Damn It!" Stewart was all over this the way he would no doubt be if this had been a pundit on Fox (Non) News admitting how they were in the "tank" for the right-wing in this country. (Oh, wait a sec . . .)
Friday, April 11, 2014
Jon Stewart cursed me out: I dared question a “Daily Show” warm-up comic’s racist jokes
Jon Stewart cursed me out: I dared question a “Daily Show” warm-up comic’s racist jokes
This is a link to an article showing one of the reasons why I no longer waste my time watching Jon Stewart OR Stephen Colbert.
This is a link to an article showing one of the reasons why I no longer waste my time watching Jon Stewart OR Stephen Colbert.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
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Andrea Tantaros showing WHY she's the "leg" of The Five! |
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Yes, people, this is an ACTUAL quote from Alex Wagner! |
Andrea Tantaros and Alex Pundit are two PERFECT examples of how beauty does not--I repeat--NOT equal intelligence. Andrea & Alex (sounds like a female cop buddy drama, doesn't it?) are female pundits on Fox (Non) News and MSNBC, respectfully. And, while their "politics" couldn't be any more different, their deliveries are very much the same. First, let's talk about Andrea. Andrea has been a cleavage-baring, mini-skirt sporting fixture on Fox (Non) News for some years now and also has her very own radio show (she's recently sued her radio show bosses, for some strange reason). Andrea is perhaps most noted for co-hosting Fox (Non) News's inexplicably popular political talk show The Five, which has got to be one of the MOST obnoxious political talk shows since CNN's Crossfire (where, if you'll recall, Jon "I'm Just a Comedian, Damn It!" Stewart rather sanctimoniously lectured right-wing bowtie-wearing D-Bag Tucker Carlson how he was "hurting" America before kindly calling him a "dick" on-air). And, believe you me, having Andrea on that show does not--I repeat--NOT make it any less obnoxious. I swear, every time I hear Andrea's voice it makes my skin crawl, especially when she shrieks out such tired right-wing platitudes like "We're at war with Islam!" and other such crap like when she actually, ahem, encouraged Fox (Non) News's viewers on her radio show to--and, no, I'm NOT making this up--go up and punch an Obama voter. When she's not encouraging violence be committed against those she so obviously disdains, she's . . . well, I think I'll just let the following actual quote from Andrea speak for itself:
I think the biggest thing that hurts this country is we don’t teach history. If you ask most people, they don’t know why we left England. They don’t even know why some guy in Boston had his head blown off because he tried to secretly raise the tax on tea. Most people don’t know that.
After reading THIS quote, I think it should come as no surprise to anyone that even Fox (Non) News CEO Roger Ailes called Andrea the "leg" of The Five and not--I repeat--NOT the "brain" of the show. Andrea's political pundit counterpart is Alex Wagner who had her own show on, like I said, MSNBC before, ahem, replacing embattled D-Bag Martin Bashir after he horrendously suggested on his (former) show that someone actually take a dump in Sarah Palin's mouth after she likened the looming national debt to slavery (which is, of course, something that so-called liberals have done for years without anyone suggesting they get shat in their mouths, but I digress). I actually tried to watch Alex's show on MSNBC once--ONCE--before I had to turn the damn thing off after about five or ten minutes I got so sick and tired of hearing her spout off left-wing platitudes like so much projectile vomit (like every other "host" on that damn "news" channel does, of course). And her IQ doesn't seem THAT much higher than Andrea's (read above pic). I think it's safe to assume that both Andrea Tantaros and Alex Wagner are BOTH ardent Kool-Aid drinkers for their causes. My suggestion is to do what I do whenever I see Andrea and/or Alex on TV and quickly hit the mute button and just watch. In any case, listening to Andrea & Alex reminds me of that episode of the TV show Frasier where Niles's parrot Baby repeats what Niles--or was it Frasier?--said about a woman they knew: "Cute but stupid!" (Oh, I'm gonna piss off some feminists with THAT one!)
Oh, by the way, like Miss Tantaros, ahem, suggested about Obama voters, I myself "suggest" that people bitch-slap viewers of Fox (Non) News (and let's NOT forget MSNBC!)! (Hey, Andrea, freedom of speech cuts BOTH ways!)
Here's the video of when Andrea Tantaros "suggested" hitting Obama voters on her radio show:
Monday, April 7, 2014
I, like a lot of people I'm sure, was NOT saddened by the death of "pastor" Fred Phelps who was the founder and head of the notorious Westboro Baptist Church. The so-called "church" first gained infamy for picketing the funeral of Matthew Shepard, the college student who was brutally murdered by a couple of gay-basing A-Holes because he was "gay" or whatever. Fred and his gay-basin' "family" gained even more infamy in recent years when they started picketing funerals of soldiers who died in Iraq and Afghanistan to somehow "promote" their "anti-gay" message with those signs that say "God Hates Fags!" and "Thank God For Dead Soldiers!" and whatnot. The Supreme Court itself emboldened this sorry-ass group by ruling they have a "right" to protest said funerals. Frankly, the reason why I personally despised Fred Phelps really had nothing to do with him being "anti-gay" or whatever since, as far as I'm concerned, people can "hate" whoever the hell they want to "hate" just so long as they DON'T go out and try to harm others as a result of said hatred. No, the reason why I utterly despised this useless motherfucker and his equally-useless "family" is because of their "plans" to picket the funerals of those Amish schoolgirls who were brutally murdered by that madman in that Amish schoolhouse some years ago. It wasn't until a right-wing radio talk show host named Mike Gallagher intervened and offered them some airtime on his show in exchange for the promise that they WOULDN'T picket said Amish schoolgirl funerals (surprisingly, this didn't gain a lot of media attention at the time). Frankly, and I know I'll probably get some flak for saying this, I felt this was more loathsome than them picketing outside the funerals of fallen soldiers and/or "gay" people (which, of course, are loathsome enough). What the brutal senseless deaths of Amish schoolchildren have to do with God "punishing" America for its supposed "embrace" of the "homosexual" lifestyle is beyond me! But I think all this has LESS to do with any bonafide "anti-gay" beliefs that Fred--and let's NOT forget his worthless clan!--may have had and MORE to do with Phelps being one miserable SOB who reveled in the pain & misery of others be they "gay" or whoever. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have tried so damned hard to blatantly alienate those who might have otherwise agreed with his "anti-gay" stance. The ultimate irony of Fred Phelps's life & death was that he was reportedly excommunicated from the very "church" he himself had founded about a year or so before he died. By the way, as "Christian" as Fred and/or his "family" claimed to have been, isn't there a Bible verse or two about "Christians" actually comforting widows and such in their time of grief? Just asking!
This is Mike Gallagher for those who want a face with the name. |
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