Pat Buchanan, a former Nixon/Reagan crony who co-hosted the legendary political hack-fest Crossfire, has made a virtual career out of touting who he feels is—and in particular who isn’t—a “real” American (such as himself, of course!). Some of these “unreal” Americans include Mexicans (in particular “illegal” immigrants as Pat has said if he were elected President he would erect a “great wall” around Texas borders to “protect” us—i.e. White Americans—from “illegal” immigrants, although Pat’s very own grandma was among the slew of Irish Catholics—of which Pat claims to be a proud one of—who fled to this country due to the Irish potato famine), women (whom Pat has stated should not share the same “rights” as men), homosexuals (whom Pat has referred to as the “pederast proletariat” whom he feels actually deserve to die of AIDS), African-Americans (whom Pat has actually stated are not as easy to “assimilate” into proper society as Caucasian/European-Americans whom he speaks so fondly of and also how “Negroes” were happier under segregation and even penned a column wherein he all but justified, as Rush Limbaugh has done, slavery along with apartheid), homeless people (whom Pat has said ought to be locked up for “threatening women and children” every day on the street even though, according to a number of statistics, a good number of homeless people are in fact women and children, not to mention that over a third of this nation’s homeless population are in fact war Veterans), and, most of all, Jews (as Herr Buchanan once reportedly attempted to prove how the diesel fuel that was used at the notorious Nazi death camp Treblinka could not have possibly produced fumes toxic enough to have killed the hundreds of thousands of Jews who died there, and Fuhrer Pat also criticized Jews as being “disloyal” for daring to criticize his former boss Ronald Reagan’s trip to a Bitburg, Germany ceremony honoring—that’s right!—Nazis, not to mention that Pious Pat penned a political tome that was published during the 2000 so-called elections—where Pat was running as the official candidate of Ross Perot’s now-defunct Reform Party, by the way—wherein he reportedly argued how America should not have fought Hitler during World War II). Pat Buchanan has also proudly boasted of how he was all for the little-guy/working-man in this country yet, according to another expose that was published years ago in Penthouse magazine (again, before Penthouse—like, of course, Playboy—began to dumb itself down), Pat and his (fill in the blank for yourself!) sister Bay Buchanan both have a reported reputation for regularly screwing over their campaign workers and/or other staffers during Pat’s campaigns for President (where he has—thank God!—lost every time). Also, while co-hosting the MSNBC show Buchanan & Press with noted “liberal” pundit Bill Press (who, unlike his Fox News’ counterpart Alan Colmes, can actually call himself “liberal” with a straight face!), Pat insisted how the Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines (more on her in a bit) should “apologize” to President Bush for daring to criticize him and his insipid war in Iraq even though Pat himself had initially criticized not only Dubya’s Iraqi “war” but his father’s Persian Gulf War as well, saying how he didn’t feel that “worthless” Kuwaiti emir was worth a single American marine. I’m personally waiting for Pat Buchanan to “apologize” to all of the people he’s criticized, belittled & condemned over the years who aren’t Rich, White & Republican like himself! Besides, speaking strictly for myself, I don’t want an A-Hole who’s openly praised the likes of Adolf Hitler—by reportedly calling him “an individual of great courage”—to decide who—and especially who doesn’t—“belong” in America or especially on who—and who doesn’t—constitute as a “good” American, do you? Oh, by the way, Pat Buchanan—and not, as you might’ve guessed, Bill O’Reilly!—was the A-Hole who initially coined the insipid idiom “culture war” during a predictably controversial speech of which he gave at the 1992 Republican National Convention to reportedly distract voters from the bad economy at the time. Just thought you’d like to know! But you know, come to think of it, maybe Pat Buchanan is right after all about not letting “illegal immigrants” into this country. I mean if Grandma Buchanan hadn’t been allowed to “immigrate” to this grand country along with all of Pat’s other Irish immigrant ancestors, then chances are we wouldn’t have had to deal with Pat Buchanan’s racist & intolerant—not to mention Nazi-esque!—bullshit all these years! You think? And, for all of you “European-Americans” who feel I’ve been unjust or unfair in my criticism of Mr. Buchanan, consider that renowned “conservative” newspaper columnist William Safire conceded years ago in Playboy that Pat was very much indeed a—hold on to your hats, folks!—anti-Semite. Again, just thought you’d like to know! Lastly, I can’t help but notice how many—or most—within the “liberal” media have yet to widely rebuke Pat Buchanan for his too-many-to-count bigotries; like, for instance, the following is an excerpt from Pat’s scarcely-scrutinized column aptly-titled “A Brief for Whitey”: “America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known . . . We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?” Oh yeah, MSNBC finally fired Pat's bigoted Nazi-loving ass NOT for the aforesaid piece but for the following piece where he wrote: “Those who believe the rise to power of an Obama rainbow coalition of peoples of color means the whites who helped to engineer it will steer it are deluding themselves. The whites may discover what it is like to ride in the back of the bus.” I don’t feel there’s anything else that needs to be said about Pat Buchanan, do you?
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