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You said it, Buck! |
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Even though he admitted on The View he's NEVER voted! |
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Pretty self-explanatory, don't ya think? |
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This is Olby's infamous "abort" tweet about S.E. Cupp! |
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And who would know BETTER than Olby! |
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I got 2 words for ya, Olby: ANGER MANAGEMENT! |
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You don't know the HALF of it! |
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The lovely S.E. Cupp! |
@maskedvoyeur Oh, let's get morality lessons from an "erotic novelist" using a female pen name. Bye Felicia.
This is an actual tweet from sportscaster-turned-pundit-turned-sportscaster-again Keith Olbermann on Twitter in response to a tweet I had posted in reference to his recent rant--i.e. "Special Comment"--on his new show on ESPN2 about the NFL's rather lenient "punishment" of a two-game suspension and a measly fine against pro-football player Ray Rice after he was caught on surveillance video dragging his unconscious then-fiance out of an elevator whom he had reportedly knocked out after an argument the two had had. Unbelievably, Olby--as he's commonly referred to--accused the NFL of lacking "basic human respect" for women. I say "unbelievably" because of Olby's OWN checkered past regarding granting "basic human respect" for women throughout his media career, especially women of right-wing ilk like S.E. Cupp (whom he actually said whose parents should have aborted her or at least not given birth to her), Michelle Malkin (whom he called a "mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick"), Sarah Palin (by repeatedly calling her "stupid" and "idiotic" and worse), and even Hillary Clinton (by actually suggesting that someone "take her into a room and only he come out"), among others. Anyway, here's my tweet that apparently got Olby's leftie panties all in a wad:
RE: his NFL rant, if there's ANYONE who "respects" women it's @KeithOlbermann. Just ask S.E. Cupp! (Oh, wait a sec!) #WorstPersonInTheWorld
Apparently Olby got so incensed by my "critique" of him that he looked at my Twitter page and saw that I was indeed an "erotic novelist" (I view myself as a straight-up smut writer, but I digress) who recently had his very first "erotic" romance novel published titled--shameless plug alert!--MR. INNOCENT written under my "female" pen name Angel Ray (published by Luminosity Publishing at luminositypublishing.com, just in case you were wondering!). Anyway, imagine my surprise--and delight!--when Olby responded to my tweet with the above response. So I, in my usual "snarky" manner, responded to his response with the following tweet:
@KeithOlbermann As anyone who knows me can attest, Mr. Olbermann, I may be a lot of things, but "moral" is NOT one of them! Thanks, Felecia!
I was actually kind of surprised when Olby DIDN'T respond to this tweet, especially since he's known for his Twitter "feuds" with others, including the 13-year-old sister of a hockey player he once named as "Worst Person In The World"--a segment which he's "retired" about two or three times in a reported half-assed attempt to be more "civil"--due to a bad game they were having on his ESPN2 show. There were a number of ways of I could responded to Olby's tweet about me, of course. For instance, I could have pointed out that a good number of people wouldn't likewise want to get "morality lessons" from a damned sportscaster (Bob Costas, are you listening?). I could've also asked him if he believes that "erotic novelists" such as myself are unworthy of expressing their own personal political opinions, especially those that contradict--and, of course, attack--his own. I could have suggested he get anger management courses for getting said leftie panties in a wad every time someone dares question and/or criticize his all-knowing political opinions, and that, of course, includes getting into online pissing contests with CHILDREN. And, of course, I could've asked him who in the hell "Felecia" is. Maybe it was some sort of jab at my masculinity since I am a MALE "erotic novelist" writing under a female pen name and he's got a show discussing--but, of course, NOT playing--"manly" sports. In all my years of inexplicably watching Olby, I don't remember him ever mentioning the name Felecia, although he DID infamously blatantly rip off legendary newsman Edward R. Murrow's legendary sound off: "Good night and good luck!" (Murrow MUST be rolling in his grave!)
And, yes, for anyone who feels these are the ramblings of some fervent rightie-ass-kisser or--gasp!--a Fox (Non) News watcher (though I do watch Fox's late night "comedy" show Red Eye), I was at one time a MAJOR fan of Keith Olbermann. I used to religiously watch his former MSNBC show Countdown With Keith Olbermann for years. So why I am NOT a "fan" of Keith Olbermann any longer, you might be asking yourself at this point? Well, let's just say that it got to the point where I felt I was being BULLSHITTED whenever I watched him and his show, especially the last year or so before he abruptly quit--or was fired?--from said MSNBC show over the fact that MSNBC wouldn't pay him MORE money even though he constantly went after all those dastardly rich WHITE people on his show, which is more than a little ironic considering how Olby's "worth" an estimated $25 MILLION. (For the record, this is also why I stopped watching Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher.) Anyway, in the last year or so of his show. Olby REALLY sounded as if he drunk the Leftie Kool-Aid! And, just so you know, I also got into it with Fox (Non) News resident Republican-ass-kissing blowhard Sean Hannity when I tweeted to him how it might be a good idea if his rich ass stop talking about how to "deal" with poor people to which he replied . . . well, actually, I don't rightly recall (right--get it?) what in the Republican-ass-kissing hell he said. (As you can CLEARLY tell, I'm an equal opportunity offender!)
Going back to his NFL rant, I actually agree with the overall gist of what Olby was saying, that Ray Rice DID get a lenient "punishment" by the NFL for what he was caught on-camera doing to his then-fiance (who is now his wife). But, then again, the NFL has a rather sordid history of being "lenient" with players who engage in heinous acts. Take, for instance, pro-football player Ray Lewis who was believed to be "involved" in a brutal double homicide back in 2000 where two men were stabbed to death by a couple of men in Ray's entourage. In spite of the fact that the white suit he was wearing the night of the murders was mysteriously never found (DNA, anyone?) and the fact that the blood of one of the stabbing victims was found in Ray's limo, Lewis NEVER served a single day in jail--he was put on probation in exchange for "testifying" against the two members of his entourage--and was only fined a reported $250,000 fine by the NFL. He was never, to my knowledge, suspended for ANY length of time by the NFL now has his football "career" suffered in ANY manner. So, the question remains, why did Olby get so "outraged" by what happened--or, rather, DIDN'T happen--to Ray Rice? It kind of reminds me of all the faux "outrage" the lefties expressed over Rush Limbaugh when he called that college student Sandra Fluke a "prostitute" after testifying before Congress how the government should provide "free" birth control to citizens (but, wait, I thought lefties believe that what occurs in a person's bedroom should NOT be the government's business?). Of course, it probably goes without saying that Olby also "criticized" Rush for saying this about Fluke, asking the rotund rightie if he ever called his very much mother a . . . well, you know! Of course, someone could turn THAT around and ask Olby if anyone has ever suggested to HIS mother that she should have aborted HIM like he did S.E. Cupp's mother who understandably WASN'T too happy with what Olby had said about her daughter when she asked him in an open letter:
As S.E. Cupp’s mother, I have to ask: Have you no shame? No depth to which you will not stoop to insult an adversary?
Of course, I believe we ALL know the answer to THAT, don't we, Olby? To be fair (and let's NOT forget balanced!), Keith Olbermann did apologize--sort of--to S.E. Cupp and Michelle Malkin--but not, of course, to Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin or the others he's insulted over the years--when he finally got called out for his female-bashing behavior. Ironically, it was during the whole Rush Limbaugh/Sarah Fluke fiasco when righties were rightfully pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of lefties attacking Limbaugh for doing what Limbaugh usually does--i.e. being a loudmouthed A-Hole/D-Bag--when they (the lefties) usually remained silent and/or outright "supported" their fellow lefties for saying the SAME "misogynistic" shit about right-wing women.
Going back to his tweet against me, in spite of what Olby may have thought, I wasn't giving or trying to give a "morality lesson" but rather a "hypocrisy lesson." Try as you might, Olby, you CAN'T mount your "moral" high horse and denounce an organization or an individual about "disrespecting" women when you yourself have apparently done a pretty damn good job of "disrespecting" women yourself. And, for the record, I'm not one of these politically-correct D-Bags who always harp about needing more "civility" in public discourse (as, ironically, Olby himself has advocated at least once or twice himself). I mean, I've certainly "denigrated" others in my blog posts, usually by calling them an A-Hole/D-Bag. Of course, calling someone an A-Hole/D-Bag is a far cry from saying someone should have NEVER been born, wouldn't YOU agree, Olby? Keith Olbermann is, of course, free to say whatever about whomever he chooses (short of "slander" or directly threatening a person, of course). But when you go on-record saying how a woman should NOT have even been born just because she espouses an opinion you don't like and/or implying how a MAN should do some physical harm to a woman, then it might--and I say MIGHT--be a good idea if you STFU about someone else NOT treating women without "basic human rights," you know what I mean? (This reminds me of whenever Olby's former nemesis Bill O'Reilly goes ballistic over what he's termed the "oversexualization" of our so-called popular culture when Billdo has written a book--i.e. Those Who Trespass--which includes a fascinating variety of SEX scenes, including a by-now-infamous scene where a teenaged crack whore gives, shall we say, oral stimulation to her pimp!)
As for me being a lowly "erotic novelist" and whatnot, although I may not have nowhere near the fame & fortune that you obviously possess, Mr. Olbermann, that does NOT mean my opinion is any more or less valid than your own. I also find it rather hypocritical--not to mention laughable!--that Keith Olbermann and practically everyone else in what Jon Stewart calls the "punditocracy" (of which Jon Stewart, in spite of what HE claims, is an apparent member of himself) are in the business of "criticizing"--even "defaming"--others for a living when they themselves are apparently all--or at least 99.9 1/2 % of them--so damned thin-skinned that they blow their very tops whenever someone "criticizes"--or "demeans"--them in ANY way (like, for instance, sending them snarky tweets on Twitter!). I remember once on Countdown On Keith Olbermann Olby made fun of--and rightfully so--Bill O'Reilly for getting his rightie tighties all in a bunch on his Fox (Non) News show The O'Reilly Factor about a FICTIONAL character on one of those Law & Order shows calling him a "cancer" on society. But then Olby turns right around (right--get it?) and gets into pissing contests with people on Twitter, such as a 13-year-old and--of course!--yours truly! But, then again, what MORE can you say about someone who's actually bragged about the number of times he's been FIRED from practically every single media job he's EVER had. In fact, he's apparently such a you-know-what to work for that one of the people who used to work with him back during his "glory days" on ESPN stated in a magazine interview--I can't recall who it was who said this or which magazine the article was from--that Olby could probably get his old job back if he would allow everyone to walk by him and punch him in the stomach. Yikes!
In any case, instead of doing like Keith Olbermann and blatantly ripping a dead legendary newsman, I'd like to end my blog post with this sendoff from the former underrated rap group the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy:
Hypocrisy IS the greatest luxury! Raise the double standard!
A sidenote: S.E. Cupp got attacked again, this time by Hustler magazine (yes, THAT Hustler magazine!) when they published a "parody" photo of her with a penis in her mouth with that caption that read: "What would S.E. Cupp look like with a dick in her mouth?" Understandably, Miss Cupp got "upset" over the photoshopped dick pic. However, I really couldn't see what all the hoopla was over this particular photoshopped photo. I mean, Hustler and its notorious editor-in-chief Larry Flynt has been doing THIS shit for years! I mean, would S.E. be any happier if they named her "Asshole of the Month"? It's been a while since I've "read" Hustler, but, as I recall, they've done the very SAME thing to male public figures (i.e. photoshopping a male member in their gullet). If I were S.E. Cupp, I would've just blown this off (no pun intended!) and said something like, "What more can you expect from someone who's called himself a pig and a scumbag?" Of course, I don't remember ANY righties complaining when Hustler published a pictorial of a Bill Clinton lookalike getting it on in the "Oval Office" with a Monica Lewinsky lookalike back when "Bubba" was President where they did stuff that I probably CAN'T mention on this blog! (However, if you, uh-hum, read the by-now-infamous Starr Report, then you probably know what in the perverted hell I'm talking about, all rightie?) Oh, by the way, I tweeted Miss Cupp and informed her about the run-in I had with Keith Olbermann. She then tweeted back to me: "My condolences . . . or congrats?" I then tweeted back: "I'd say BOTH!" She, like Olby, didn't respond. Oh, before I forget, here's the link to the video of S.E. Cupp sending Keith Olbermann a "proper" send-off after he was FIRST for the umpteenth time from Al Gore's former Current TV due to a reported tiff over--what else!--MONEY (1 Percenters, anyone?): http://www.glennbeck.com/2012/04/03/s-e-cupp-delivers-a-special-comment-on-keith-olbermanns-firing-from-current-tv/
A side-sidenote: A number of months after my initial Twitter "feud" with Keith Olbermann, I read online where Olby was getting shit-canned from from ESPN--AGAIN!--for a rather unspecified reason. So I went on his Twitter page to see if he said anything about getting shit-canned from ESPN--AGAIN--and guess what? KEITH OLBERMANN BLOCKED ME FROM VIEWING HIS ALL-IMPORTANT TWITTER PAGE! Here's a screen shot of the "blocked" message I received when I logged onto Olby's precious Twitter page:
A sidenote: S.E. Cupp got attacked again, this time by Hustler magazine (yes, THAT Hustler magazine!) when they published a "parody" photo of her with a penis in her mouth with that caption that read: "What would S.E. Cupp look like with a dick in her mouth?" Understandably, Miss Cupp got "upset" over the photoshopped dick pic. However, I really couldn't see what all the hoopla was over this particular photoshopped photo. I mean, Hustler and its notorious editor-in-chief Larry Flynt has been doing THIS shit for years! I mean, would S.E. be any happier if they named her "Asshole of the Month"? It's been a while since I've "read" Hustler, but, as I recall, they've done the very SAME thing to male public figures (i.e. photoshopping a male member in their gullet). If I were S.E. Cupp, I would've just blown this off (no pun intended!) and said something like, "What more can you expect from someone who's called himself a pig and a scumbag?" Of course, I don't remember ANY righties complaining when Hustler published a pictorial of a Bill Clinton lookalike getting it on in the "Oval Office" with a Monica Lewinsky lookalike back when "Bubba" was President where they did stuff that I probably CAN'T mention on this blog! (However, if you, uh-hum, read the by-now-infamous Starr Report, then you probably know what in the perverted hell I'm talking about, all rightie?) Oh, by the way, I tweeted Miss Cupp and informed her about the run-in I had with Keith Olbermann. She then tweeted back to me: "My condolences . . . or congrats?" I then tweeted back: "I'd say BOTH!" She, like Olby, didn't respond. Oh, before I forget, here's the link to the video of S.E. Cupp sending Keith Olbermann a "proper" send-off after he was FIRST for the umpteenth time from Al Gore's former Current TV due to a reported tiff over--what else!--MONEY (1 Percenters, anyone?): http://www.glennbeck.com/2012/04/03/s-e-cupp-delivers-a-special-comment-on-keith-olbermanns-firing-from-current-tv/
A side-sidenote: A number of months after my initial Twitter "feud" with Keith Olbermann, I read online where Olby was getting shit-canned from from ESPN--AGAIN!--for a rather unspecified reason. So I went on his Twitter page to see if he said anything about getting shit-canned from ESPN--AGAIN--and guess what? KEITH OLBERMANN BLOCKED ME FROM VIEWING HIS ALL-IMPORTANT TWITTER PAGE! Here's a screen shot of the "blocked" message I received when I logged onto Olby's precious Twitter page:
So, let me get this straight, Olby blocks me on Twitter because of ONE admittedly snarky tweet? Well, I say good riddance to the sanctimonious leftie D-Bag! My only "regret" in all of this is that I wasted SO much of my time--of my life, even--listening to THIS petty, two-faced, hypocritical, holier-than-thou left-wing Kool-Aid drinker! And, if Olby EVER reads this (which I sincerely hope he does!), I just want to let HIM know that whichever TV network is STUPID enough to hire his petty leftie ass I will NEVER watch ANY of his future shows or "support" said petty leftie ass in ANY way! As he said to me in his tweet: Bye, Felecia!
The following clip is from Olby's former MSNBC show with Village Voice/Idiot "gossip" columnist Michael Musto on the now-forgotten right-wing stooge Carrie Prejean PROVES just how much Keith Olbermann TRULY "respects" woman:
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