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Here's some FACTS you'll NEVER hear on Fox (Non) News! |
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This isn't, of course, an actual book by Bill O'Reilly (but, of course, it COULD be!). |
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"Bill O'Reilly looks like a D-Bag!" |
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Believe it or not, Jesse Watters actually asked THIS guy if he thought Bob Bergdahl looked like a Muslim! |
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Here's proof that the right will "support" guys with long beards so long as they "worship" the RIGHT god (right--get it?)! |
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This pic of Sean Hannity is pretty self-explanatory, don't ya think? |
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TERRORISTS!!!! Oh, sorry, that's just the guys from ZZ Top! |
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Bowe Bergdahl (top center pic) with the so-called Taliban 5 (the Taliban pics are reportedly from Fox's favorite site Wikileaks!). |
Right-wingers/"conservatives" have gotten their rightie panties in a bunch yet again, this time over the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban prisoner "exchange" and/or Benghazi. Both of these "controversies" have been spearheaded by--who else!--Fox (Non) News and right-wing talk radio. And, of course, these right-wing geniuses know precisely who's to blame for said "controversies": OBAMA. Or, as the righties would have everyone believe, The Son Of Satan (or Allah, whichever the case may be!)! First, let's talk about the insipid Bergdahl controversy. As everyone no doubt knows by now, the Obama Administration "exchanged" POW Bowe Bergdahl--who was captured by the Taliban when he left his post for some unknown reason--for five Taliban members who had been held at the infamous Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. Of course, the ensuing "outrage" about said prisoner "exchange" from the right has been deafening. The righties have been implying or outright saying said prisoner "swap" should NEVER have happened and that it therefore will put American lives at risk by having said Taliban members back into civilization again and blah blah blah blah. There's just one tiny little problem with all this "outrage" from the right about the Bergdahl/Taliban exchange:
That's right! Bush, while he was (allegedly) President, released a number of Taliban members who were being held at Gitmo without so much as a peep from the SAME right-wing commentators on Fox (Non) News and right-wing talk radio who are now calling for Obama's--and, of course, Bergdahl's--head on a silver platter. I haven't been able to get an exact number, but some estimates have it as high as over 500. And get THIS: one of said Taliban members who was "released" from Gitmo while Dubya was (supposedly) President was reportedly "linked" to the fiasco that was Benghazi where, on the evening of September 11, 2012, Islamic militants attacked American diplomats at Benghazi in Libya, thereby killing U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and Sean Smith who was U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer. But, there again, in all the rampant criticisms of the Benghazi debacle from the righties there has not been ONE single mention of this.
Surprising, isn't it?
Not to go easy on Obama. Even left-wingers have been collectively scratching their heads wondering aloud why Obama made this "deal" with the dreaded Taliban. Of course, there again, if Bush had made the SAME "deal" with said Taliban the SAME right-wingers who are now--and have always--gone after Obama with such a vengeance would be lining up to kiss Dubya's ass and anyone who dared "criticize" said "deal" would be labeled as--that's right!--"unpatriotic"--and even worse--by said right-wingers.
Again, surprising, isn't it?
One thing I find most distasteful AND disgraceful about the Bergdahl "controversy" is the attacks made against Bowe's father Bob Bergdahl (or Baghdad Bob, as he's come to be known within certain right-wing circles), specifically the appearance made with President Obama in the Rose Garden with his wife wherein he was sporting a beard--which he grew because he dared wanted to show "solidarity" with his captured son--and gave a Muslim-esque prayer wherein he praised Allah. Noted Fox (Non) News loudmouth/D-Bag Bill O'Reilly sneeringly said on his show The O'Reilly Factor how Mr. Bergdahl "looked like a Muslim" and attacked him for "praising Allah" and whatnot. Bill even sent his "stalker producer"--as former MSNBC pundit/nutjob Keith Olbermann once rightfully referred to him--Jesse Watters down to the Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho to get the townsfolk "reaction" to Bowe being released. Understandably, most of those he "interviewed" didn't appear to be too pleased about having HIM asking rather sensitive questions about Bergdahl and his family (i.e. as to whether or not his father was truly a Muslim to which a family friend vehemently said NO). Anyway, Bill O's attacks against not only Bergdahl but his family were reminiscent of the venomous attacks Billdo lobbied against Cindy Sheehan, who, if you'll recall, was the grieving mother who had lost her son who was serving in Iraq because she had dared "question" the legitimacy of Dubya's insipid "war" in Iraq that cost the life of her dear son. By the way, that Muslim-esque prayer made by Mr. Bergdahl that have made the righties cry foul is reportedly the very SAME "prayer" made by Muslim dignitaries who've visited the White House, including--gasp!--the Bush White House.
My personal view about the "release" of Bowe Bergdahl and/or what type of soldier he truly was--e.g. whether or not he was a "deserter" for leaving his post (as, of course, he's been accused of being by not only the right but by his outfit as well, which, according to some "news" sources, had "issues" of its own)--is that the military should conduct a thorough investigation as to what precisely happened with Bergdahl. If there's evidence that he did indeed commit desertion and/or "collaborated" with his Taliban captors (as he's, of course, also been accused of being by the right even WITHOUT evidence of which even Bill O'Reilly has said there's been no "evidence" of), then I say let the MILITARY handle it. But, then again, you know damn good & well if Bergdahl had died under Taliban captivity the right--and, yes, that includes Fox (Non) News!--would've gone after Obama--again!--and how he doesn't care about the welfare of our soldiers fighting overseas and blah blah blah blah.
"Fair & Balanced" as always!
I'll give ONE thing to Bowe Bergdahl: whatever his "faults" might be and whatever he might actually be "guilty" of, at least he actually signed up for military service unlike, of course, all of the right-wing chickenhawks--or at least 99.9 1/2 % of them!--who have NEVER spent a single damn day in the military (one "macho" asshole on Fox actually took a swipe at Bowe for doing ballet when he was younger). Of course, these very SAME right-wing chickenhawks--like, for instance, Rush Limbaugh who's given varying "excuses" as to why he didn't get drafted during Vietnam like a "football knee" to a boil on his big, fat ass--have never been shy about shamelessly using the troops for their own political purposes. For instance, Bill O'Reilly actually stated on his now-defunct radio show how he thought the then-scandal involving the shoddy medical treatment our (supposedly) beloved veterans were receiving at Walter Reed was, and I quote, BORING. However, since this very same shameless scandal has erupted AGAIN during the Obama Administration--i.e. military veterans receiving substandard and even delayed medical treatment which has reportedly caused at least some deaths--Bill all of sudden becomes the vets's BIGGEST champion/defender. So, let me see if I got this straight, Billdo, systematic abuse of our veterans during a REPUBLICAN administration is, as you put it, BORING but the SAME systematic abuse of said veterans during a DEMOCRATIC administration is indeed scandalous?
Makes sense to me!
And, while we're at it, here's my final take on the Benghazi "controversy": I actually agree with the right--for once!--that there SHOULD be an investigation into what precisely happened at Benghazi and why there was loss-of-life. However, there SHOULD have been an investigation whenever the SAME thing happened--and more than ONCE, I might add--during the Bush Administration, which, not surprisingly, the righties NEVER advocated. I mean, if there in fact were investigations into similar attacks on U.S. embassies and/or consulates during the Bush Administration, then maybe--just maybe!--what happened at Benghazi would not have happened.
You think?
A sidenote: Sean Hannity--who once promised on his show on Fox (Non) News that he would allow himself to be waterboarded for charity that benefited families of veterans (and then, in typically rightie chickenhawk fashion, immediately backed off said vow when the aforementioned leftie nutjob Keith Olbermann took him up on his offer)--actually had on his show none other than Oliver "Mr. Iran-Contra" North AND Pat Buchanan to "discuss" the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban 5--as they've come to be called by the righties--prisoner exchange. Yeah, let's hear the opinions about THIS from someone who HAS "negotiated" with terrorists and/or an A-Hole/D-Bag who actually once wrote a book wherein he claimed it was "wrong" for the U.S. to have fought Hitler--let me repeat!--HITLER during World War II!
Again, "Fair & Balanced" as always!
And, while we're at it, here's rightie "hero" Ronald Reagan admitting/not admitting to "negotiating" with Iranian terrorists during the Iran-Contra scandal (since, you know, said righties have insisted a Republican President would NEVER "negotiate" with terrorists!):
Not to go easy on Obama. Even left-wingers have been collectively scratching their heads wondering aloud why Obama made this "deal" with the dreaded Taliban. Of course, there again, if Bush had made the SAME "deal" with said Taliban the SAME right-wingers who are now--and have always--gone after Obama with such a vengeance would be lining up to kiss Dubya's ass and anyone who dared "criticize" said "deal" would be labeled as--that's right!--"unpatriotic"--and even worse--by said right-wingers.
Again, surprising, isn't it?
One thing I find most distasteful AND disgraceful about the Bergdahl "controversy" is the attacks made against Bowe's father Bob Bergdahl (or Baghdad Bob, as he's come to be known within certain right-wing circles), specifically the appearance made with President Obama in the Rose Garden with his wife wherein he was sporting a beard--which he grew because he dared wanted to show "solidarity" with his captured son--and gave a Muslim-esque prayer wherein he praised Allah. Noted Fox (Non) News loudmouth/D-Bag Bill O'Reilly sneeringly said on his show The O'Reilly Factor how Mr. Bergdahl "looked like a Muslim" and attacked him for "praising Allah" and whatnot. Bill even sent his "stalker producer"--as former MSNBC pundit/nutjob Keith Olbermann once rightfully referred to him--Jesse Watters down to the Bergdahl's hometown of Hailey, Idaho to get the townsfolk "reaction" to Bowe being released. Understandably, most of those he "interviewed" didn't appear to be too pleased about having HIM asking rather sensitive questions about Bergdahl and his family (i.e. as to whether or not his father was truly a Muslim to which a family friend vehemently said NO). Anyway, Bill O's attacks against not only Bergdahl but his family were reminiscent of the venomous attacks Billdo lobbied against Cindy Sheehan, who, if you'll recall, was the grieving mother who had lost her son who was serving in Iraq because she had dared "question" the legitimacy of Dubya's insipid "war" in Iraq that cost the life of her dear son. By the way, that Muslim-esque prayer made by Mr. Bergdahl that have made the righties cry foul is reportedly the very SAME "prayer" made by Muslim dignitaries who've visited the White House, including--gasp!--the Bush White House.
My personal view about the "release" of Bowe Bergdahl and/or what type of soldier he truly was--e.g. whether or not he was a "deserter" for leaving his post (as, of course, he's been accused of being by not only the right but by his outfit as well, which, according to some "news" sources, had "issues" of its own)--is that the military should conduct a thorough investigation as to what precisely happened with Bergdahl. If there's evidence that he did indeed commit desertion and/or "collaborated" with his Taliban captors (as he's, of course, also been accused of being by the right even WITHOUT evidence of which even Bill O'Reilly has said there's been no "evidence" of), then I say let the MILITARY handle it. But, then again, you know damn good & well if Bergdahl had died under Taliban captivity the right--and, yes, that includes Fox (Non) News!--would've gone after Obama--again!--and how he doesn't care about the welfare of our soldiers fighting overseas and blah blah blah blah.
"Fair & Balanced" as always!
I'll give ONE thing to Bowe Bergdahl: whatever his "faults" might be and whatever he might actually be "guilty" of, at least he actually signed up for military service unlike, of course, all of the right-wing chickenhawks--or at least 99.9 1/2 % of them!--who have NEVER spent a single damn day in the military (one "macho" asshole on Fox actually took a swipe at Bowe for doing ballet when he was younger). Of course, these very SAME right-wing chickenhawks--like, for instance, Rush Limbaugh who's given varying "excuses" as to why he didn't get drafted during Vietnam like a "football knee" to a boil on his big, fat ass--have never been shy about shamelessly using the troops for their own political purposes. For instance, Bill O'Reilly actually stated on his now-defunct radio show how he thought the then-scandal involving the shoddy medical treatment our (supposedly) beloved veterans were receiving at Walter Reed was, and I quote, BORING. However, since this very same shameless scandal has erupted AGAIN during the Obama Administration--i.e. military veterans receiving substandard and even delayed medical treatment which has reportedly caused at least some deaths--Bill all of sudden becomes the vets's BIGGEST champion/defender. So, let me see if I got this straight, Billdo, systematic abuse of our veterans during a REPUBLICAN administration is, as you put it, BORING but the SAME systematic abuse of said veterans during a DEMOCRATIC administration is indeed scandalous?
Makes sense to me!
And, while we're at it, here's my final take on the Benghazi "controversy": I actually agree with the right--for once!--that there SHOULD be an investigation into what precisely happened at Benghazi and why there was loss-of-life. However, there SHOULD have been an investigation whenever the SAME thing happened--and more than ONCE, I might add--during the Bush Administration, which, not surprisingly, the righties NEVER advocated. I mean, if there in fact were investigations into similar attacks on U.S. embassies and/or consulates during the Bush Administration, then maybe--just maybe!--what happened at Benghazi would not have happened.
You think?
A sidenote: Sean Hannity--who once promised on his show on Fox (Non) News that he would allow himself to be waterboarded for charity that benefited families of veterans (and then, in typically rightie chickenhawk fashion, immediately backed off said vow when the aforementioned leftie nutjob Keith Olbermann took him up on his offer)--actually had on his show none other than Oliver "Mr. Iran-Contra" North AND Pat Buchanan to "discuss" the Bowe Bergdahl/Taliban 5--as they've come to be called by the righties--prisoner exchange. Yeah, let's hear the opinions about THIS from someone who HAS "negotiated" with terrorists and/or an A-Hole/D-Bag who actually once wrote a book wherein he claimed it was "wrong" for the U.S. to have fought Hitler--let me repeat!--HITLER during World War II!
Again, "Fair & Balanced" as always!
And, while we're at it, here's rightie "hero" Ronald Reagan admitting/not admitting to "negotiating" with Iranian terrorists during the Iran-Contra scandal (since, you know, said righties have insisted a Republican President would NEVER "negotiate" with terrorists!):
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