Thursday, January 30, 2014

Marylin Manson on the O'Reilly Factor

Bill O'Reilly wrote a book titled Those Who Trespass where a teenaged crack whore gave a BJ--in, uh-hum, layman's terms, that's a blowjob--to her pimp named Robo. That, of course, does NOT include all the other raunchy sex scenes Bill included in the book along with all the gruesome murder scenes and all the "swear" words likewise included in Bill's "dirty" book. And who can, of course, forget the "incident" where Bill-O (allegedly!) told a FEMALE ex-employee over the phone how he wanted to fuck her with a "felafel" [sic] in the shower. Bullshitter Bill strikes again!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


In response to the insipid Duck Dynasty "controversy" where DD patriarch Phil Robertson made some "controversial" comments about "gays" and blacks in GQ magazine (of which I won't bother repeating here), here's a link to an article of quotes from Nation Of Islam "leader" Louis Farrakhan saying the EXACT SAME THING about "gays" as Mr. Robertson: So, my question is, why do "liberals" give the "homophobic" likes of Mr. Farrakhan a free pass for saying the EXACT SAME THING about "gays" as Mr. Robertson? Not only that, but this just shows, at least to me, that "liberals" by & large only pay lip service to supporting "gay" rights AT BEST. Otherwise, they (the "liberals") would hold the "gay-bashing" likes of Louis Farrakhan (and let's NOT forget Alec "D-Bag" Baldwin!) equally accountable as they (the "liberals") do Phil Robertson. And, yes, lefties, the Koran calls for the death penalty--as, of course, Louis has also called for (read the above pic)--for "homosexuals" JUST LIKE THE BIBLE DOES!!!! Of course, if Phil Robertson had been a Muslim like Louis Farrakhan instead of a "Christian" like Mr. Robertson claims he is, then chances are they (the "liberals") would NOT have said a blessed word about it. As for what Phil Robertson said about race relations (by saying how he didn't witness any "racism" against African-Americans growing up himself), the guy's a redneck with a T.V. show. What the hell did anyone EXPECT him to say about race? And, not only that, but why in the blessed hell should ANYONE, be they "liberal" or no, care what THIS guy--or ANY "reality" TV star says, for THAT matter--says about ANYTHING? I mean, why don't we ask Honey Boo Boo's mom or the Kardashians what THEY think about "gays" and race and whatnot? Well? Oh, by the way, one of Phil Robertson's sons and his wife adopted a BLACK kid. Just thought you'd like to know!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Leftie Logic #1: "The solution to rape, train men to not rape."

While I'm certainly no "fan" of Sean Hannity, what this "liberal" woman said on his show--that all we need to stop rape is simply tell men NOT to rape--went beyond STUPID. First off, we already tell men NOT to rape through the very fact that it's against the law to rape a woman. Secondly, how many rape victims DO tell the men who rape them--beg & plead, actually--to NOT rape them? To me, this rape comment was JUST as pathetic as Republican Todd Akin's by-now-infamous "legitimate rape" comment. Now, with that said, which dumbass rape comment did the "liberals" focus on the MOST? I believe I'll let you figure THAT one out for yourselves, all right?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jon Stewart - America's new Messiah?

This video clearly illustrates what is wrong with this damned country, that people are so willing to give a damned COMEDIAN so much power & influence to me, quite frankly, is pretty damned appalling. This is why I no longer watch Jon Stewart's show in that I feel it's little more than left-wing propaganda disguised as humor, and I despise left-wing propaganda as much as I despise right-wing propaganda. I have my OWN mind, thank you very much, and I can decide for MYSELF what to think and/or believe and I don't--I repeat--DON'T need the sanctimonious likes of Jon Stewart or Bill O'Reilly or whoever to tell me WHAT to think and/or believe, you know what I mean?

Daily Show Fail | Weapons of Mass Distraction

The woman in this video sticks it to both Barack Obama and noted Obama/leftie ass-sucker Jon Stewart in a why Fox (Non) News would not even do . . . AND I SAY IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!!!!