Thursday, September 25, 2014

MY TAKE ON THE RAY RICE/ NFL "CONTROVERSY" (& Why I Think It's A Bunch Of Hypocritical B.S.)

Ray Rice & his embattled wife Janay at their press conference
where they BOTH "apologized" for what happened in that
elevator on Valentine's Day.

Ray Lewis who . . . well, you know!

That's pro-boxer Floyd Mayweather offering his "support"
to the embattled Ray Rice since, you know, wife-beaters
SHOULD stick together!

A typical meme of a "typical" sports fan.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

This is an actual quote from Keith Olbermann about what he
wanted to see "happen" to Hillary Clinton.

Hope Solo showing what it takes for a sports star to
get away with committing domestic violence in THIS

Christy Mack who DIDN'T get the same amount
of "sympathy" from the general public after she
was violently beaten by HER sports star boyfriend.
(Can you guess WHY?)
By now, I'm sure everyone reading this has heard about the "controversy" about pro-footballer Ray Rice knocking his then-fiance unconscious in a hotel elevator and then dragging her unconscious body out of said elevator. And, of course, it seems like everyone and their mother has "commented" on said "controversy" and how the NFL has "mishandled" the "controversy" by only giving Rice a 2-game suspension after noted celebrity "gossip" site TMZ released the first video of Rice dragging his then-fiance's unconscious body out of the elevator and then suspending him indefinitely after TMZ released the second video of him actually assaulting his future wife (even though it was quite obvious from the first video what he actually did to her). Since everyone else--and their mother!--has seemingly given their two-cents on this issue, I figured I'd go ahead and offer up my OWN observations about the Ray Rice/NFL "controversies" if I may:

WHERE IN THE FUCK WAS ALL THIS "OUTRAGE" WHEN ALL THE OTHER SPORTS STARS COMMITTED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RAPE AND EVEN MURDER FOR YEARS BEFORE RAY RICE? I mean, why DID it take not one but TWO videos for people--the NFL, the media, sports fan, etc.--to pretend to be "outraged" by what Ray Rice violently did to his wife? Let's be brutally honest here: Were it NOT for those videos, there would have been no--I repeat--NO "outrage" whatsoever about what Ray Rice did and all the other pro-footballers who've gotten caught up in the Ray Rice "controversy" (Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, etc., etc.). And some of the "critics" of the NFL's "mishandling" of his case have been outright hypocritical if NOT downright laughable. I mean, ESPN--which I've seen actually praised for its "covering" of the Rice/NFL "controversy"--has been one of professional sports BIGGEST enablers as far as (deliberately?) covering up for sports stars who commit heinous acts such as domestic violence, rape and even murder. Don't believe me? Here's the link to an ass-kissing interview on ESPN with famed pro-boxer Floyd Mayweather about a year AFTER Mayweater spent about 90-days in jail for assaulting the mother of his children right in front of their children: Not only that, but ESPN actually hired none other than former pro-footballer Ray Lewis--RAY LEWIS!!!!--as a sports commentator even though he has NOT to this very day outright denied being "involved" in a brutal murder back in 2000 and who himself unbelievably expressed his own "outrage" at what his former protegee Rice did to his wife. 


Another sanctimonious commentator on ESPN--whom I've posted about before, by the way--who's more or less spearheaded the campaign against Ray Rice and the NFL is--of course!--Keith Olbermann. As I posted about him before, this is the very SAME Keith Olbermann who was one of the biggest if NOT the biggest misogynistic D-Bag back when he "worked" for MSNBC. Remember, not only did Olbermann actually say the parents of "conservative" commentator S.E. Cupp should have ABORTED her but also actually called for someone to commit physical violence against Hillary Clinton (read the above Olbermann pic if you need a reminder). Frankly, I think Keith Olbermann misses the good ol' days back when he "worked" at MSNBC when his oft-sanctimonious "special comments" would make front-page news, but then, that's just me! Also, anyone who knows Keith's career knows that he was a sportscaster on ESPN years before he was a pundit on MSNBC as he hosted a show with Dan Patrick (that is, before he got fired or left after pissing everyone he worked with off like he does EVERYWHERE he "works," by the way). I've checked, and I can't find a similar instance where he got THIS up in arms about a pro-footballer or any other sports star who committed domestic violence, rape or even murder. (Of course, I might be wrong on this one since I never watched his old ESPN show since I'm NOT what you'd call a big sports fan, you know what I mean?)

I believe it's fair to say that America is a sports-obsessed country whether it's professional sports or high school football. I myself saw this in the town I grew up in (which, of course, shall remain nameless). I grew up in a town that was TOTALLY obsessed with high school football (picture Friday Night Lights on acid and you'll get the idea). And I saw how the high school jocks got away with shit no other student could EVER get away with. Case in point: there was one jock in particular--who, of course, shall also remain nameless--who actually got caught molesting a young boy. However, as I recall, no charges were filed against this particular jock nor did he EVER suffer any serious consequences for his vile acts. And all THIS because he was a "popular" jock. Which brings me back to Ray Rice: Like I pointed out before, the one and ONLY reason why people--the media, sports fans, etc.--are pretending to be "outraged" by what he did is because of the two videos. I saw a report on how a number of Ray Rice fans were lining up to return his jersey. I wonder if these were the SAME ones who gave the (so-called) man a virtual standing ovation when he was practicing? And it actually wasn't until TMZ released the SECOND video that showed what actually transpired between Rice and his wife in that elevator, although we all already knew THAT, that people REALLY became faux outraged by his heinous violent acts towards his wife. 

Am I myself "outraged" by what Ray Rice did? You bet I am. I was also "outraged" whenever I saw all these OTHER sports players, be they "professional" or otherwise, who got away with all their heinous shit and saw their egregious acts covered up by the press (and, yes, that includes ESPN) and the sports fans. I mean, even while people are pretending to be "outraged" by what Ray Rice did, there are still OTHER sports stars who have seemingly gotten away with domestic violence--and even worse--at the same time of the Ray Rice "controversy"; like, for instance, soccer star Hope Solo who was arrested for (allegedly) committing domestic violence against her sister and her teenaged nephew while she was (allegedly) drunk. However, unlike Rice, Nike DIDN'T drop her like they did Rice and she's STILL allowed to play soccer. Now why WAS that, I wonder? (See above pic for MY answer to THAT question.) Need another example? "Adult" film star Christy Mack got beaten within an inch of her life by her boyfriend MMA fighter War Machine--real name Jon Koppenhaver--when he (allegedly) caught her "cheating" on him with another man (of which Mack vehemently denied). However, nnlike Ray's wife Janay, the very SAME media that went out of their way to "support" Janay actually implied or outright stated she somehow "deserved" to get beaten by Mr. Machine for whatever reason. (Here's the link to one of those very articles: This was even AFTER Miss Mack posted horrific photos she took of her damaged face and posted online. So, I guess in the media's minds it's OK for a sports star to get away with domestic violence--and even worse--so long as said violence is committed by a hot-looking soccer star and/or said violence is committed against a "lowly" porn star!

The LAST time I recall the general public getting THIS "outraged" by a sports star committing domestic violence against his wife was O.J. Simpson. And THAT was only AFTER he was arrested and charged--and, of course, subsequently acquitted--of her brutal murder. This is yet another reason why I call BULLSHIT on the whole faux Ray Rice "controversy." I mean, does anyone truly believe that ANYONE will be "caring" as much about this, say, a year from now or even a few months from now? The answer is, of course, NO. I mean, when was the last time you heard about Donald Sterling? The NFL and its embattled commissioner Roger Goodell--who, of course, gave a rather half-assed "apology" on his "mishandling" on the Ray Rice debacle--will pay mostly lip service to the whole pro-footballers-committing-domestic-violence-and-other-crimes controversies until the heat dies down. And THEN it will be back to business-as-usual, a business, by the way, the makes millions of billions of dollars a year. And THAT, in the end, is what the NFL or any OTHER sports franchise cares about: protecting its brand, its investment. A lot, it probably goes without saying, is invested, monetarily and otherwise, in these sports stars. That's one of the reasons why commentators on ESPN or elsewhere in the media generally ignore it when a sports star, to put it VERY bluntly, fucks up since the networks they work for likewise benefits, monetarily and otherwise, from sports. In the end, this is NOT about morality, its about PR. In spite of the Ray Rice "controversy," sports stars can STILL get away with domestic violence, rape and even murder . . .

They just better make damn sure they're NOT caught on camera!

Oh yeah, one more thing: Keith Olbermann gave another sanctimonious "special comment" about NFL commish Roger Goodell not knowing how to "respect" women or whatever. Hate to break it to ya, Keith (well, actually, I don't!), but NEITHER DO YOU!!!!

By the way, if anyone feels I'm implying how Ray Rice SHOULDN'T be "punished" for what he did to his future wife, after seeing women in my OWN life abused (and I, of course, WON'T say who because it's nobody's damn business), I feel he SHOULD be "punished" and THEN some. And I actually agree with the media how we SHOULD be "sensitive" towards Janay Rice; like, for instance, showing the video of her being beat unconscious by her future husband continually where she can be "reminded" of it continually.

Again, whoops!

A sidenote: Just to refresh your memory, especially if you're a sports fan, here's a list of some of the OTHER sports stars who've committed domestic violence (and, of course, have gotten away with it):


Here's a song and video that pretty much sums up my feelings--or lack thereof--about sports, pro or otherwise, in general. Again, enjoy!

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Response To Jon Stewart's "Powerful" Ferguson Monologue (& Why I'm No Longer A "Fan" Of Jon Stewart)

Let me preface this by saying I used to be a MAJOR fan of Jon Stewart and watched The Daily Show religiously. Not anymore. And THIS video, which the white "liberal" media has had a collective orgasm over, is a PERFECT reason why. This video, of course, is Stewart's response to the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer in the town of Ferguson, Missouri and the subsequent protests/riots/looting. Unlike Stewart, I'm not going to comment about the specific shooting of Michael Brown since--just like Stewart--I wasn't there and anything I would say would be pure speculation. I have, however, watched coverage of the shooting and/or the "protests" on both Fox (Non) News and MSNBC. In fact, I went back & forth between Bill O'Reilly's show and Chris Hayes's show. Of course, Stewart--as he always does, by the way--cherry-picked "questionable" comments about Ferguson made by various commentator on Fox (Non) News, including his "frenemie" Bill O'Reilly, and made it look like they represented ALL the coverage/comments made on Fox (Non) News about the shooting/protests. However, it wasn't; like, for instance, Stewart DOESN'T mention in his "monologue" how Bill O'Reilly actually CRITICIZED the rather heavy-handed police response to the protesters and how he actually called the Ferguson police, and I quote, Keystone cops not only for their "mishandling" of the protesters but also their "mishandling" of Brown's shooting death (of which he likewise got criticized for). And this, in my view, is pretty damn deceptive and/or dishonest on his part and is one reason why I don't watch his insipid show anymore since this isn't the FIRST time he's done this (i.e. cherry-picked and/or selectively-edited comments from Fox News and other right-wing sources). As for the rest of his "powerful" Ferguson monologue, which the left has gushed over like they think it's the greatest "speech" since the Gettysburg Address (but then, Jon could come out at THIS point and recite the alphabet on his show and the left would have a collective orgasm!), Stewart could have said something poignant about the shooting and the subsequent protests/riots if he wanted (which, again, he WASN'T there to witness just like every other commentator on Fox News), but, instead, he turns it into yet another one of his tiresome sanctimonious attacks on Fox (Non) News. I mean, seriously, what WOULD this guy talk about if there were no Fox (Non) News anyway? The most laughable part of his "powerful" Ferguson monologue to me was when he chastised Sean Hannity--whom I don't give ONE tinker's damn about, by the way--on his NOT knowing what it's like to be a black man in America. Because, you know, there's no one who epitomizes the Black American Experience MORE than Jon Stewart himself! It's kind of like when Jon Stewart attacks those godawful rich Republicans like Mitt Romney--whom I also DON'T give a tinker's damn about, by the way--while Mr. Stewart has a reported net worth of $80 MILLION. Whoops! And, what I'd like to know is, since Stewart claims to be in solidarity with the black community in their "distrust" of cops (which, as even commentators on Fox News pointed out, was well-justified), I guess THAT means he WON'T dial 911 if someone, white OR black, breaks into his penthouse (of which he reportedly owns one), huh? Also, I wonder if Jon Stewart along with the REST of his "liberal" WHITE buddies like on MSNBC--like, say, Chris Hayes who actually went down to Ferguson to show his apparent "solidarity" with the protesters (some of whom repaid said "solidarity" by throwing rocks at him at one point)--would STILL "support" the protests/riots had they occurred in HIS lily-white neighborhood? Just asking, Jon!