Sunday, October 16, 2016

Top 10 Creepy Joe Biden Pics

I saw Joe Biden earlier today give a interview with Chuck "I'm With Her!" Todd blasting D-Bag Donald Trump for his "abuse" of women. Yes, the very SAME Joe Biden who has been caught ON VIDEO putting his hands on women MANY times, including a VERY creepy video wherein he bent over and whispered into the ear of and then creepily kissed an UNDERAGE GIRL. That Joe Biden! And, before anyone starts "defending" this, take a look at the faces of some of these women who clearly DON'T want this creep touching them in ANY way, ESPECIALLY that LITTLE GIRL who looks like he just threatened her. Again, for those of you who say this ISN'T a big deal, just imagine if D-Bag Donald had been caught on video doing the SAME THING TO AN UNDERAGE GIRL. This video would not only be front-page news FOR WEEKS for would be played 24/7 on ALL the "news" outlets, including Fox (Non) News. Of course, we've been hearing pundit after pundit and article after article saying how men should NOT put their hands on a woman WITHOUT their permission. Of course, this WASN'T said while Joe Biden was doing this. Instead, the media just laughed these vids off, saying, "Oh, that's just Joe!" So the NOT so subtle message from the media is you can get away with groping ALL the women you want, INCLUDING CHILDREN, as long as you're Joe "Creepy" Biden (or Bill Clinton!)!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

CLICKBAIT: How Media Has Ruined The 2016 Election | Louder With Crowder

By the same token, when many--or most--people do "research" online they'll only read stuff and/or sites they agree with. I myself go to sites and read pieces that I might necessarily agree with, though there are exceptions. (For instance, I no longer read HuffPo since they've been caught one too many times selectively-editing their videos and/or they've gone WAY overboard pushing that SJW BS; like, for instance, saying how white people shouldn't do yoga when the site's founder Arianna Huffington did yoga.) So you can't totally blame social media sites like Facebook since, even if they didn't do this, people would still by & large only go on sites and/or material they "agree" with. Not to completely let sites like FB off the hook for this since they, like this video points out, are clearly contributing to the problem, which, of course, seems to have only gotten worse.