Saturday, October 3, 2015

Polish MEP calls refugees human trash [ENGLISH SUBTITLES][SEE MAYMAYS]

And people thought what Donald Trump said about "immigrants" was bad! (Did you happen to catch the, uh-hum, reactions to his speech AFTER it was over? That pretty much says it all, doesn't it?)

Friday, October 2, 2015

How The Media Lost Its "Liberal" Mind Over Ahmed "Clock Boy" Mohamed

This is Ahmed Mohamed's, uh-hum, clock. I'm STILL
trying to figure out HOW you tell time on THIS thing!

This is Ahmed Mohamed in handcuffs.

This is the ONLY "case clock" I could find.

Hey, you wanna know who ELSE puts clocks in cases?
That's right! ACTUAL BOMBERS!!!!

This is Ahmed with his "Muslim activist" father during a
press conference.

Yeah, and I'm sure if someone brought THIS contraption
to the WH Secret Service would just let them on in!
Sorry, Pop-Tart Kid, that's ONLY if you're a Muslim, am I
right, lefties?

By now I'm sure everyone has heard about the “incident” involving Muslim teen Ahmed Mohamed otherwise known as Clock Boy. For those few who haven't heard of this particular story, here's the basics (which, of course, seems to keep changing from story to story): Ahmed brings a “clock” he claims he “invented” to his Texas school and, according to which story you go by, either the first teacher he showed it to or the second teacher sees the clock and immediately calls authorities who then cuff Clock Boy and lead him out where they question him about his “clock” to see whether or not it was in fact some sort of explosive device. Well, this story makes nationwide news and the left—of course!—immediately seize upon this story and says this boy was ONLY “arrested” because he was—wait for it!—Muslim. Since this kid's “arrest” he's become a leftie “hero” as he's been showered with gifts and offers, including free scholarships and even an “invite” from President Barack Obama himself to the White House.

Added to the “controversy” is Ahmed's father who's a known Muslim activist named Mohamed ElHassan Mohamed. In 2011, Mohamed “defended” the Koran during a mock trial brought by that Terry Jones guy who ended up burning the Koran. Mohamed also ran for president of his native Sudan twice. Some, of course, have questioned whether or not Ahmed's father was the one who “orchestrated” this whole “controversy” just so he can get a bigger foothold in Islamic politics. (He at one point reportedly claimed the Texas cops had actually “tortured” his son.) Some have even claimed he was the one who “invented” the clock knowing full well how the school would “react” when they saw it. All I've got to say about this is that, if Mr. Mohamed DIDN'T “orchestrate” this whole insipid “controversy” involving his son he's damn sure “benefited” from it, hasn't he?

Going back to Clock Boy, I myself don't fault the school or the authorities for “reacting” the way they did to this boy's “clock” (again, depending on which account you read about his supposed “treatment” and/or “mistreatment” by said school and/or authorities). I mean, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that we live in a society where mass shootings/mass killings do occur at schools and elsewhere. This all even took place not far from where those two MUSLIMS attempted to shoot up and/or blow up that by-now-infamous “Draw Mohammed” cartoon contest put on by that “controversial” right-wing group before they were shot down by a cop (thank God!). Now maybe—just maybe!—the cops went a bit too far handcuffing the kid, but, at the same time, the left went WAY too far glorifying THIS kid and making Clock Boy the Poster Boy for anti-Islamaphobia or whatever.

But let's take a gander at Ahmed's supposed clock, shall we? First off, this kid IS a fraud or, at the VERY least, delusional. I mean, his and others claim that he "invented" ANYTHING is just simply absurd. Other people who have looked at his "clock" objectively have stated that all he—or his father—did was take apart another clock and rather haphazardly stick its parts inside the case. Not only that, but these people have also pointed out that the manner in which the "clock" was made with the wires sticking out and everything could possibly SHOCK people if they tried to use it. Is THIS what passes for "invention" these days? What "outrages" me about all this is that there ARE kids, including other Muslim kids, who DO invent "cool" things who will NEVER be offered free scholarships and they damn sure WON'T be "invited" to the White House. Just why in the hell would ANYONE "use" his "clock" when they can go down to their local Wal-Mart and buy one for around five to ten bucks? In spite of the what the left has claimed, Thomas Edison this boy is most definitely NOT!

Let's face facts, if Ahmed Mohamed was anything BUT a Muslim the left and/or the “liberal” media in general would NOT have given two shits about this kid, unjust “arrest” or no. Again, let's face facts, this kid was not only used by his father (allegedly!) he was also used by the left to further their anti-Muslim “racist” narrative (even though Muslims are not—I repeat—NOT an actual race of people since white people can be Muslim too). Don't believe me? Then consider the case a couple years before Clock Boy involving a 7-year-old boy in Nevada who was actually “suspended” from school for supposedly chewing a pop-tart—let me repeat—A POP-TART into the shape of a gun and the case of the 12-year-old boy in Florida who was arrested for—and, no, I'm NOT making this up!—farting in class. FARTING!!!! None of these incidents nor any of the other countless incidents at schools across the country where students have been inexplicably suspended and/or ARRESTED (such as the case of the girl who was arrested at school for “stealing” HER OWN CHEERLEADING UNIFORM!) received anywhere near the media coverage and/or the “outrage” from the left that the insipid Clock Boy incident received. Of course, none of these kids were—you guessed it!—MUSLIM. The not-so-subtle message if you're a kid and you want the “liberal” media and/or even the President to care—or at least pretend to care—about your “unjust” harassment and/or arrest from school and/or your local authorities the way they did Clock Boy—and, of course, NOT how they did with Pop-Tart Kid and/or Fart Boy—then you'd better make damn sure you're a—that's right!—MUSLIM.

Oh, by the way, Mark Cuban—who's hardly what you'd call a staunchly right-wing type of guy—said while he was discussing his phone call with Ahmed Mohamed on Bill Maher's HBO show—leftie Bill Maher, by the way, actually came out in defense of Ahmed's “arrest” for some of the same reasons I gave here—actually admitted that he could actually hear Ahmed's sister COACHING him on what to say during their conversation. Just thought you'd like to know!

A sidenote: Around the same time the lefties were going ballistic over Ahmed "Clock Boy" Mohamed, the New York Times, which is hardly a right-wing publication, reported the horrific story of how our very own troops were "ordered" by the military to ignore Afghan soldiers RAPING young boys ala Catholic priests because it was, according to the military's supposed reasoning, their "culture". Quite frankly, these MUSLIM children are the ones who are TRULY mistreated by those in authority and are damn sure the ones President Obama SHOULD be "inviting" to the White House. But, of course, since there's NO narrative for the left to use and/or exploit, this story has garnered nowhere near the attention nor especially the "outrage" as the Clock Boy story. Anyway, here's the link to the story for anyone who is interested (or anyone who can stomach reading it it's THAT horrific):

Here's one of the countless interviews of Ahmed "Clock Boy" Mohamed where he actually says he tried to make his, uh-hum, clock invention look "less suspicious" (now why in the world would he say THAT?):

Here's a video from someone who examined Ahmed's "clock" (from YouTube):

Here's part of Bill Maher's commentary on the whole insipid Ahmed Mohamed "controversy":