Friday, November 11, 2016

Skid Row Get The Fuck Out (Or My "Thank You" To Hillary Clinton!)

I've been getting e-mails from these various "progressive"--i.e. SJW--groups (don't ask why!) "asking" me to sign a letter "thanking" Hillary Clinton. Well, here's my OWN special "fuck you", uh, I mean, "thank you" to Queen Hillary. (And, just to reiterate, this ISN'T an "endorsement" of our new President-"Select" Dump!)

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Top 10 Creepy Joe Biden Pics

I saw Joe Biden earlier today give a interview with Chuck "I'm With Her!" Todd blasting D-Bag Donald Trump for his "abuse" of women. Yes, the very SAME Joe Biden who has been caught ON VIDEO putting his hands on women MANY times, including a VERY creepy video wherein he bent over and whispered into the ear of and then creepily kissed an UNDERAGE GIRL. That Joe Biden! And, before anyone starts "defending" this, take a look at the faces of some of these women who clearly DON'T want this creep touching them in ANY way, ESPECIALLY that LITTLE GIRL who looks like he just threatened her. Again, for those of you who say this ISN'T a big deal, just imagine if D-Bag Donald had been caught on video doing the SAME THING TO AN UNDERAGE GIRL. This video would not only be front-page news FOR WEEKS for would be played 24/7 on ALL the "news" outlets, including Fox (Non) News. Of course, we've been hearing pundit after pundit and article after article saying how men should NOT put their hands on a woman WITHOUT their permission. Of course, this WASN'T said while Joe Biden was doing this. Instead, the media just laughed these vids off, saying, "Oh, that's just Joe!" So the NOT so subtle message from the media is you can get away with groping ALL the women you want, INCLUDING CHILDREN, as long as you're Joe "Creepy" Biden (or Bill Clinton!)!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

CLICKBAIT: How Media Has Ruined The 2016 Election | Louder With Crowder

By the same token, when many--or most--people do "research" online they'll only read stuff and/or sites they agree with. I myself go to sites and read pieces that I might necessarily agree with, though there are exceptions. (For instance, I no longer read HuffPo since they've been caught one too many times selectively-editing their videos and/or they've gone WAY overboard pushing that SJW BS; like, for instance, saying how white people shouldn't do yoga when the site's founder Arianna Huffington did yoga.) So you can't totally blame social media sites like Facebook since, even if they didn't do this, people would still by & large only go on sites and/or material they "agree" with. Not to completely let sites like FB off the hook for this since they, like this video points out, are clearly contributing to the problem, which, of course, seems to have only gotten worse.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Jimmy Kimmel: The MRA Fact Checking Awakens (Or Why Jimmy "The Man Show" Kimmel IS An SJW-Ass-Kissing Hypocrite!)

So the former co-host of Comedy Central's The Man Show--a "show" which SJW CC would NOT air in a million years today!--is complaining about someone being a so-called Men's Rights Activist (or MRA). Makes sense! The only thing missing from this clip is Jimmy yelling at the end of it (like he did after the end of EVERY episode of TMS, of course!): "And now girls jumping on trampolines!" (The Man Show being, of course, the LAST time this SJW-ass-kissing D-Bag hypocrite he--and his co-host Adam Carolla--were EVER funny!)

Monday, July 18, 2016

Are Liberals Becoming ANTI-SCIENCE?! - Bill Nye VS Imbeciles (Or Feel The Wrath Of The Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts!)

Okay, let me just preface this by saying how I normally agree with what I've heard this Chris Ray Gun says (usually his anti-SJW rants). I mean, his "No Rest For The Triggered" parody is one of the FUNNIEST damn things I have EVER seen on YouTube. This particular rant? Not so much! I myself have felt the wrath of what I "affectionately" term the Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts on so-called social media because I dared say how Bill Nye was not--I repeat--NOT an actual scientist EVEN THOUGH HE'S SAID AS MUCH IN INTERVIEWS!!!! (Google it.) Let me reiterate: Bill Nye is a former children's entertainer and not--again, I repeat--NOT a bonafide scientist. (His degree, if you MUST know, is in mechanical engineering. Ask Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory how much those guys are "actual" scientists!) My question to Mr. Gun and all the OTHER Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts is why the hell DO you people have SUCH a boner for THIS guy? I mean, is it because you grew up watching this guy and you therefore feel "protective" of him? When I was a kid, I watched this children's entertainer who called himself Captain Kangaroo. I know I sure WOULDN'T get butthurt if someone said he WASN'T an actual captain OR a kangaroo, for THAT matter! I must say, I found it rather amusing watching Mr. Gun get JUST as butthurt and/or as "sensitive" as the SJWs he routinely attacks in his OTHER YouTube rants. Maybe--just maybe!--the REAL "issue" here is NOT that Larry Wilmore and his "comedic" guests are "anti-intellectuals" and/or "hate" science or whatever but that people like Mr. Gun are looking to a COMEDY channel for "intellectualism" or what he perceives as such. To me, looking to COMEDIANS for "intellectualism" is akin to watching porn for the stellar plots AND grand acting! Seriously, Comedy Central is the SAME network that had a show about hand puppets making prank phone calls, for fuck's sake! Hey, Mr. Gun, here's a "friendly" little suggestion for ya: Instead of looking to COMEDIANS and/or former children's entertainers for "intellectualism" and whatnot how about looking to--oh, I don't know--ACTUAL INTELLECTUALS? How about trying NPR and PBS instead of Comedy fucking Central for a change? Again, just a "friendly" little suggestion! By the way, the notion that we must NOT "question" scientists I find rather disturbing. I mean, just Google "shit scientists got WRONG" and see what pops up, OK? As for Bill Nye the Pseudo-Science Guy, I once saw THIS guy dancing The Robot while DRESSED as a damned robot on Dancing With The Stars, and I'm supposed to take THIS guy seriously WHY again? Just asking, Mr. Gun! A sidenote: I was a HUGE fan of comedians like George Carlin and Bill Hicks. But I realize, at the end of the day, THEY WERE JUST COMEDIANS!!!! They aren't--or rather weren't--infallible political gurus whom I needed to tell me HOW or WHAT to fucking think. As George Carlin once infamously stated: QUESTION EVERYTHING, including--and especially--scientists, intellectuals and, yes, COMEDIANS!!!! Again, just saying, Mr. Gun!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Boy Gamer Bullying Girl Gamer - What Would You Do? (Or MORE SJW BS)

If you EVER need MORE proof that SJW BS has infiltrated pretty much EVERY aspect of so-called pop culture watch THIS. I caught this show earlier tonight and my jaw actually dropped. This is an obvious reference to the whole insipid #GamerGate "controversy" (Google it) wherein SJWs have insisted it's ALL about male "nerds" wanting to "force" girls OUT of gaming. Really? If anything, male "nerds" want to get MORE chicks into gaming. You want to know WHY? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET LAID, THAT'S WHY!!!! (Just like the SJW males who pretend to espouse SJW "sensitivities," by the way!) Also, I found it MORE than a little ironic--and, of course, hypocritical--that this show was supposed to preach AGAINST bullying all the while showing--and the show's host subsequently praising--adults actually THREATENING the boy actors--who were MINORS--if they DIDN'T stop "bullying" the actor girl. You know what I would do? Stop watching this stupid SJW-ass-kissing show!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Jon Stewart - A Relatively Closer Look - Hitler Reference

All the Nazi/Hitler comparisons to Donald Trump by the (mostly) SJW left reminded me of THIS piece by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show back when George W. Bush was "president" and the left--back, of course, when the left was SJW free--was routinely comparing HIM to . . . well, you know! Not only does Jon show how DUMB it is to compare ANYONE to Hitler but this is also one of my all-tie favorite Daily Show skits back when I was still a big fan of the show. Too bad the show has deteriorated over the years to where I don't even bother watching it anymore even before Jon Stewart (when he became more "preachy" than "comical"). Anyway, I would LOVE the SJW lefties who are comparing Trump to Hitler dare "disagree" with THIS (since, you know, Jon Stewart has actually been described on some leftie sites as, and I quote, the Left-Wing Jesus)!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Friday, April 1, 2016

#NeverTrump Activist Punches Trump Supporter, Gets Instant Pepper Spray

This is the unedited video of that 15-year-old girl who got pepper-sprayed at that anti-Trump rally. Of course, the media edited out the part where she took a swing at someone BEFORE she got sprayed. Plus you can see her getting in people's faces like she's deliberately trying to provoke a fight with people. To hear the media tell it, she was just an "innocent" victim who was merely minding her own business when she was unjustly targeted by those "violent" Trump supporters. Again, I'm NO supporter of Trump or his supporters. Nor am I a supporter of these anti-Trump mostly SJW jackasses at these "protests" who've proven they're JUST as "violent" if NOT more so as the Trump supporters. You can't condemn the "violence" of Trump and/or his supporters while you gloss over the "violence" of his protesters, right, "unbiased" media?

Monday, March 14, 2016

Donald Trump’s War on the First Amendment (from @Truthdig)

Donald Trump’s War on the First Amendment (from @Truthdig): Despite the GOP front-runner’s reputation for speaking his mind and “telling it like it is,” he is an enemy of freedom of speech, suing anyone who says something he doesn’t like. But it gets worse: As president, he promises, he would disma

One thing about the hullabaloo about the protests at the Trump rally in Chicago is that I'm surprised MORE people haven't pointed out the blatant hypocrisy on Trump's part on all of this, as this article clearly points out. While I do believe it was deplorable that the protesters deliberately attempted to deny someone--even if it WAS Trump--their right to speak, I feel it's JUST as deplorable that Donald Trump has advocated "opening up" the libel laws and make it easier for people, especially public figures like HIM, to SUE anyone and everyone who dares "criticize" or pokes fun at him in ANY way. Sorry, Donald, freedom of speech doesn't work that way. The Supreme Court, as this article notes, has already ruled on this a number of times, including the infamous case when the late televangelist Jerry Falwell sued Hustler publisher Larry Flynt for printing a "parody" ad in his magazine showing Falwell saying his first time with a woman was with his very own mother in an outhouse. As reprehensible as that may have been, the SC ruled that it WAS indeed protected by the First Amendment. So, again, sorry, Donald! This is yet another reason why I feel BOTH sides are equally full-of-shit.ntle safeguards that foster robust discussion of public issues.
- 2016/03/14

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Brother Of Civil Rights Icon Medgar Evers Endorses Trump | MSNBC

This has got to be one of the MOST condescending interviews I have EVER seen. Let's face facts, if this Charles Evers had been a supporter of, say, Hillary Clinton and got treated like THIS on, say, Fox (Non) News the pundits on MSNBC would howling--you guessed it--RACISM. My favorite part is how the so-called reporter paused after he said (my paraphrasing), "What have the Democrats done for us?" Of course, according to the left-wing media, ALL African-Americans or homosexuals or minorities in general MUST think as they do or they'll get slammed for it. Just ask Caitlyn Jenner!

Milo Yiannopoulos Triggering Rutgers Feminists & BLM supporters (& A Few Words About SJWs In Chicago vs. Trump)

Milo is a controversial gay right-wing commentator who like me, can't stand SJWs. I was watching live coverage of the Trump "protest" at the University Of Chicago and it reminded me of what happened to him at THIS university. SJWs are all the time shutting down speeches by right-wingers at their previous universities. So it wasn't surprising to me what happened at Trump's rally (which, mark my words, will ONLY end up benefiting Trump himself). What I found most telling is how the protesters all hung around even after Trump had shut down his rally (what the hell were THEY standing around for?) where they continued to yell & scream & act like total jackasses like the "protesters" were doing in THIS video--minus the fake blood smearing--and, when they were confronted by reporters and asked why they were "protesting" Trump, all of a sudden they scurried off like frightened bunnies saying how they DIDN'T want to give their opinions. I guess it's far easier to yell & scream & threaten on Twitter and/or in a crowd than it is to be confronted face-to-face on your SJW bullshit, isn't it?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

In Living Color: Super Bimbo

Call me a politically incorrect A-Hole (which I proudly am!) but I laughed my non-PC ass off when I saw this. Especially in this day & age where even superheroes have gotten SO damn PC it's not even funny (I mean, seriously, a pregnant Spider-Woman?).

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Anita Sarkeesian vs. Butts

An ass critiquing asses (I'm, of course, referring to Anita!). I swear, this takes SJW "logic" to a whole 'nother level! Because, you know, that's what MOST women are concerning about, i.e. the predominance of female butts in video games! I would say more but I think this video pretty much says it all! Especially at the very end where The Amazing Atheist sums up Anita Sarkessian quite nicely (and, of course, I don't mean "nicely" in a positive way!)