Monday, July 18, 2016

Are Liberals Becoming ANTI-SCIENCE?! - Bill Nye VS Imbeciles (Or Feel The Wrath Of The Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts!)

Okay, let me just preface this by saying how I normally agree with what I've heard this Chris Ray Gun says (usually his anti-SJW rants). I mean, his "No Rest For The Triggered" parody is one of the FUNNIEST damn things I have EVER seen on YouTube. This particular rant? Not so much! I myself have felt the wrath of what I "affectionately" term the Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts on so-called social media because I dared say how Bill Nye was not--I repeat--NOT an actual scientist EVEN THOUGH HE'S SAID AS MUCH IN INTERVIEWS!!!! (Google it.) Let me reiterate: Bill Nye is a former children's entertainer and not--again, I repeat--NOT a bonafide scientist. (His degree, if you MUST know, is in mechanical engineering. Ask Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory how much those guys are "actual" scientists!) My question to Mr. Gun and all the OTHER Bill Nye Ass-Kissing Wingnuts is why the hell DO you people have SUCH a boner for THIS guy? I mean, is it because you grew up watching this guy and you therefore feel "protective" of him? When I was a kid, I watched this children's entertainer who called himself Captain Kangaroo. I know I sure WOULDN'T get butthurt if someone said he WASN'T an actual captain OR a kangaroo, for THAT matter! I must say, I found it rather amusing watching Mr. Gun get JUST as butthurt and/or as "sensitive" as the SJWs he routinely attacks in his OTHER YouTube rants. Maybe--just maybe!--the REAL "issue" here is NOT that Larry Wilmore and his "comedic" guests are "anti-intellectuals" and/or "hate" science or whatever but that people like Mr. Gun are looking to a COMEDY channel for "intellectualism" or what he perceives as such. To me, looking to COMEDIANS for "intellectualism" is akin to watching porn for the stellar plots AND grand acting! Seriously, Comedy Central is the SAME network that had a show about hand puppets making prank phone calls, for fuck's sake! Hey, Mr. Gun, here's a "friendly" little suggestion for ya: Instead of looking to COMEDIANS and/or former children's entertainers for "intellectualism" and whatnot how about looking to--oh, I don't know--ACTUAL INTELLECTUALS? How about trying NPR and PBS instead of Comedy fucking Central for a change? Again, just a "friendly" little suggestion! By the way, the notion that we must NOT "question" scientists I find rather disturbing. I mean, just Google "shit scientists got WRONG" and see what pops up, OK? As for Bill Nye the Pseudo-Science Guy, I once saw THIS guy dancing The Robot while DRESSED as a damned robot on Dancing With The Stars, and I'm supposed to take THIS guy seriously WHY again? Just asking, Mr. Gun! A sidenote: I was a HUGE fan of comedians like George Carlin and Bill Hicks. But I realize, at the end of the day, THEY WERE JUST COMEDIANS!!!! They aren't--or rather weren't--infallible political gurus whom I needed to tell me HOW or WHAT to fucking think. As George Carlin once infamously stated: QUESTION EVERYTHING, including--and especially--scientists, intellectuals and, yes, COMEDIANS!!!! Again, just saying, Mr. Gun!