Saturday, June 18, 2016

Boy Gamer Bullying Girl Gamer - What Would You Do? (Or MORE SJW BS)

If you EVER need MORE proof that SJW BS has infiltrated pretty much EVERY aspect of so-called pop culture watch THIS. I caught this show earlier tonight and my jaw actually dropped. This is an obvious reference to the whole insipid #GamerGate "controversy" (Google it) wherein SJWs have insisted it's ALL about male "nerds" wanting to "force" girls OUT of gaming. Really? If anything, male "nerds" want to get MORE chicks into gaming. You want to know WHY? BECAUSE THEY WANT TO GET LAID, THAT'S WHY!!!! (Just like the SJW males who pretend to espouse SJW "sensitivities," by the way!) Also, I found it MORE than a little ironic--and, of course, hypocritical--that this show was supposed to preach AGAINST bullying all the while showing--and the show's host subsequently praising--adults actually THREATENING the boy actors--who were MINORS--if they DIDN'T stop "bullying" the actor girl. You know what I would do? Stop watching this stupid SJW-ass-kissing show!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Jon Stewart - A Relatively Closer Look - Hitler Reference

All the Nazi/Hitler comparisons to Donald Trump by the (mostly) SJW left reminded me of THIS piece by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show back when George W. Bush was "president" and the left--back, of course, when the left was SJW free--was routinely comparing HIM to . . . well, you know! Not only does Jon show how DUMB it is to compare ANYONE to Hitler but this is also one of my all-tie favorite Daily Show skits back when I was still a big fan of the show. Too bad the show has deteriorated over the years to where I don't even bother watching it anymore even before Jon Stewart (when he became more "preachy" than "comical"). Anyway, I would LOVE the SJW lefties who are comparing Trump to Hitler dare "disagree" with THIS (since, you know, Jon Stewart has actually been described on some leftie sites as, and I quote, the Left-Wing Jesus)!