Thursday, September 25, 2014

MY TAKE ON THE RAY RICE/ NFL "CONTROVERSY" (& Why I Think It's A Bunch Of Hypocritical B.S.)

Ray Rice & his embattled wife Janay at their press conference
where they BOTH "apologized" for what happened in that
elevator on Valentine's Day.

Ray Lewis who . . . well, you know!

That's pro-boxer Floyd Mayweather offering his "support"
to the embattled Ray Rice since, you know, wife-beaters
SHOULD stick together!

A typical meme of a "typical" sports fan.

This one is pretty self-explanatory.

This is an actual quote from Keith Olbermann about what he
wanted to see "happen" to Hillary Clinton.

Hope Solo showing what it takes for a sports star to
get away with committing domestic violence in THIS

Christy Mack who DIDN'T get the same amount
of "sympathy" from the general public after she
was violently beaten by HER sports star boyfriend.
(Can you guess WHY?)
By now, I'm sure everyone reading this has heard about the "controversy" about pro-footballer Ray Rice knocking his then-fiance unconscious in a hotel elevator and then dragging her unconscious body out of said elevator. And, of course, it seems like everyone and their mother has "commented" on said "controversy" and how the NFL has "mishandled" the "controversy" by only giving Rice a 2-game suspension after noted celebrity "gossip" site TMZ released the first video of Rice dragging his then-fiance's unconscious body out of the elevator and then suspending him indefinitely after TMZ released the second video of him actually assaulting his future wife (even though it was quite obvious from the first video what he actually did to her). Since everyone else--and their mother!--has seemingly given their two-cents on this issue, I figured I'd go ahead and offer up my OWN observations about the Ray Rice/NFL "controversies" if I may:

WHERE IN THE FUCK WAS ALL THIS "OUTRAGE" WHEN ALL THE OTHER SPORTS STARS COMMITTED DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, RAPE AND EVEN MURDER FOR YEARS BEFORE RAY RICE? I mean, why DID it take not one but TWO videos for people--the NFL, the media, sports fan, etc.--to pretend to be "outraged" by what Ray Rice violently did to his wife? Let's be brutally honest here: Were it NOT for those videos, there would have been no--I repeat--NO "outrage" whatsoever about what Ray Rice did and all the other pro-footballers who've gotten caught up in the Ray Rice "controversy" (Greg Hardy, Adrian Peterson, etc., etc.). And some of the "critics" of the NFL's "mishandling" of his case have been outright hypocritical if NOT downright laughable. I mean, ESPN--which I've seen actually praised for its "covering" of the Rice/NFL "controversy"--has been one of professional sports BIGGEST enablers as far as (deliberately?) covering up for sports stars who commit heinous acts such as domestic violence, rape and even murder. Don't believe me? Here's the link to an ass-kissing interview on ESPN with famed pro-boxer Floyd Mayweather about a year AFTER Mayweater spent about 90-days in jail for assaulting the mother of his children right in front of their children: Not only that, but ESPN actually hired none other than former pro-footballer Ray Lewis--RAY LEWIS!!!!--as a sports commentator even though he has NOT to this very day outright denied being "involved" in a brutal murder back in 2000 and who himself unbelievably expressed his own "outrage" at what his former protegee Rice did to his wife. 


Another sanctimonious commentator on ESPN--whom I've posted about before, by the way--who's more or less spearheaded the campaign against Ray Rice and the NFL is--of course!--Keith Olbermann. As I posted about him before, this is the very SAME Keith Olbermann who was one of the biggest if NOT the biggest misogynistic D-Bag back when he "worked" for MSNBC. Remember, not only did Olbermann actually say the parents of "conservative" commentator S.E. Cupp should have ABORTED her but also actually called for someone to commit physical violence against Hillary Clinton (read the above Olbermann pic if you need a reminder). Frankly, I think Keith Olbermann misses the good ol' days back when he "worked" at MSNBC when his oft-sanctimonious "special comments" would make front-page news, but then, that's just me! Also, anyone who knows Keith's career knows that he was a sportscaster on ESPN years before he was a pundit on MSNBC as he hosted a show with Dan Patrick (that is, before he got fired or left after pissing everyone he worked with off like he does EVERYWHERE he "works," by the way). I've checked, and I can't find a similar instance where he got THIS up in arms about a pro-footballer or any other sports star who committed domestic violence, rape or even murder. (Of course, I might be wrong on this one since I never watched his old ESPN show since I'm NOT what you'd call a big sports fan, you know what I mean?)

I believe it's fair to say that America is a sports-obsessed country whether it's professional sports or high school football. I myself saw this in the town I grew up in (which, of course, shall remain nameless). I grew up in a town that was TOTALLY obsessed with high school football (picture Friday Night Lights on acid and you'll get the idea). And I saw how the high school jocks got away with shit no other student could EVER get away with. Case in point: there was one jock in particular--who, of course, shall also remain nameless--who actually got caught molesting a young boy. However, as I recall, no charges were filed against this particular jock nor did he EVER suffer any serious consequences for his vile acts. And all THIS because he was a "popular" jock. Which brings me back to Ray Rice: Like I pointed out before, the one and ONLY reason why people--the media, sports fans, etc.--are pretending to be "outraged" by what he did is because of the two videos. I saw a report on how a number of Ray Rice fans were lining up to return his jersey. I wonder if these were the SAME ones who gave the (so-called) man a virtual standing ovation when he was practicing? And it actually wasn't until TMZ released the SECOND video that showed what actually transpired between Rice and his wife in that elevator, although we all already knew THAT, that people REALLY became faux outraged by his heinous violent acts towards his wife. 

Am I myself "outraged" by what Ray Rice did? You bet I am. I was also "outraged" whenever I saw all these OTHER sports players, be they "professional" or otherwise, who got away with all their heinous shit and saw their egregious acts covered up by the press (and, yes, that includes ESPN) and the sports fans. I mean, even while people are pretending to be "outraged" by what Ray Rice did, there are still OTHER sports stars who have seemingly gotten away with domestic violence--and even worse--at the same time of the Ray Rice "controversy"; like, for instance, soccer star Hope Solo who was arrested for (allegedly) committing domestic violence against her sister and her teenaged nephew while she was (allegedly) drunk. However, unlike Rice, Nike DIDN'T drop her like they did Rice and she's STILL allowed to play soccer. Now why WAS that, I wonder? (See above pic for MY answer to THAT question.) Need another example? "Adult" film star Christy Mack got beaten within an inch of her life by her boyfriend MMA fighter War Machine--real name Jon Koppenhaver--when he (allegedly) caught her "cheating" on him with another man (of which Mack vehemently denied). However, nnlike Ray's wife Janay, the very SAME media that went out of their way to "support" Janay actually implied or outright stated she somehow "deserved" to get beaten by Mr. Machine for whatever reason. (Here's the link to one of those very articles: This was even AFTER Miss Mack posted horrific photos she took of her damaged face and posted online. So, I guess in the media's minds it's OK for a sports star to get away with domestic violence--and even worse--so long as said violence is committed by a hot-looking soccer star and/or said violence is committed against a "lowly" porn star!

The LAST time I recall the general public getting THIS "outraged" by a sports star committing domestic violence against his wife was O.J. Simpson. And THAT was only AFTER he was arrested and charged--and, of course, subsequently acquitted--of her brutal murder. This is yet another reason why I call BULLSHIT on the whole faux Ray Rice "controversy." I mean, does anyone truly believe that ANYONE will be "caring" as much about this, say, a year from now or even a few months from now? The answer is, of course, NO. I mean, when was the last time you heard about Donald Sterling? The NFL and its embattled commissioner Roger Goodell--who, of course, gave a rather half-assed "apology" on his "mishandling" on the Ray Rice debacle--will pay mostly lip service to the whole pro-footballers-committing-domestic-violence-and-other-crimes controversies until the heat dies down. And THEN it will be back to business-as-usual, a business, by the way, the makes millions of billions of dollars a year. And THAT, in the end, is what the NFL or any OTHER sports franchise cares about: protecting its brand, its investment. A lot, it probably goes without saying, is invested, monetarily and otherwise, in these sports stars. That's one of the reasons why commentators on ESPN or elsewhere in the media generally ignore it when a sports star, to put it VERY bluntly, fucks up since the networks they work for likewise benefits, monetarily and otherwise, from sports. In the end, this is NOT about morality, its about PR. In spite of the Ray Rice "controversy," sports stars can STILL get away with domestic violence, rape and even murder . . .

They just better make damn sure they're NOT caught on camera!

Oh yeah, one more thing: Keith Olbermann gave another sanctimonious "special comment" about NFL commish Roger Goodell not knowing how to "respect" women or whatever. Hate to break it to ya, Keith (well, actually, I don't!), but NEITHER DO YOU!!!!

By the way, if anyone feels I'm implying how Ray Rice SHOULDN'T be "punished" for what he did to his future wife, after seeing women in my OWN life abused (and I, of course, WON'T say who because it's nobody's damn business), I feel he SHOULD be "punished" and THEN some. And I actually agree with the media how we SHOULD be "sensitive" towards Janay Rice; like, for instance, showing the video of her being beat unconscious by her future husband continually where she can be "reminded" of it continually.

Again, whoops!

A sidenote: Just to refresh your memory, especially if you're a sports fan, here's a list of some of the OTHER sports stars who've committed domestic violence (and, of course, have gotten away with it):


Here's a song and video that pretty much sums up my feelings--or lack thereof--about sports, pro or otherwise, in general. Again, enjoy!

Monday, September 1, 2014

My Response To Jon Stewart's "Powerful" Ferguson Monologue (& Why I'm No Longer A "Fan" Of Jon Stewart)

Let me preface this by saying I used to be a MAJOR fan of Jon Stewart and watched The Daily Show religiously. Not anymore. And THIS video, which the white "liberal" media has had a collective orgasm over, is a PERFECT reason why. This video, of course, is Stewart's response to the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown by a white police officer in the town of Ferguson, Missouri and the subsequent protests/riots/looting. Unlike Stewart, I'm not going to comment about the specific shooting of Michael Brown since--just like Stewart--I wasn't there and anything I would say would be pure speculation. I have, however, watched coverage of the shooting and/or the "protests" on both Fox (Non) News and MSNBC. In fact, I went back & forth between Bill O'Reilly's show and Chris Hayes's show. Of course, Stewart--as he always does, by the way--cherry-picked "questionable" comments about Ferguson made by various commentator on Fox (Non) News, including his "frenemie" Bill O'Reilly, and made it look like they represented ALL the coverage/comments made on Fox (Non) News about the shooting/protests. However, it wasn't; like, for instance, Stewart DOESN'T mention in his "monologue" how Bill O'Reilly actually CRITICIZED the rather heavy-handed police response to the protesters and how he actually called the Ferguson police, and I quote, Keystone cops not only for their "mishandling" of the protesters but also their "mishandling" of Brown's shooting death (of which he likewise got criticized for). And this, in my view, is pretty damn deceptive and/or dishonest on his part and is one reason why I don't watch his insipid show anymore since this isn't the FIRST time he's done this (i.e. cherry-picked and/or selectively-edited comments from Fox News and other right-wing sources). As for the rest of his "powerful" Ferguson monologue, which the left has gushed over like they think it's the greatest "speech" since the Gettysburg Address (but then, Jon could come out at THIS point and recite the alphabet on his show and the left would have a collective orgasm!), Stewart could have said something poignant about the shooting and the subsequent protests/riots if he wanted (which, again, he WASN'T there to witness just like every other commentator on Fox News), but, instead, he turns it into yet another one of his tiresome sanctimonious attacks on Fox (Non) News. I mean, seriously, what WOULD this guy talk about if there were no Fox (Non) News anyway? The most laughable part of his "powerful" Ferguson monologue to me was when he chastised Sean Hannity--whom I don't give ONE tinker's damn about, by the way--on his NOT knowing what it's like to be a black man in America. Because, you know, there's no one who epitomizes the Black American Experience MORE than Jon Stewart himself! It's kind of like when Jon Stewart attacks those godawful rich Republicans like Mitt Romney--whom I also DON'T give a tinker's damn about, by the way--while Mr. Stewart has a reported net worth of $80 MILLION. Whoops! And, what I'd like to know is, since Stewart claims to be in solidarity with the black community in their "distrust" of cops (which, as even commentators on Fox News pointed out, was well-justified), I guess THAT means he WON'T dial 911 if someone, white OR black, breaks into his penthouse (of which he reportedly owns one), huh? Also, I wonder if Jon Stewart along with the REST of his "liberal" WHITE buddies like on MSNBC--like, say, Chris Hayes who actually went down to Ferguson to show his apparent "solidarity" with the protesters (some of whom repaid said "solidarity" by throwing rocks at him at one point)--would STILL "support" the protests/riots had they occurred in HIS lily-white neighborhood? Just asking, Jon! 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

George Bush "Now, Watch This Drive" (Or ATTENTION FOX NEWS!!!!)

This is to ALL you A-Hole/D-Bag righties--and, yes, that includes YOU, Fox (Non) News!--who are ALL getting your right-wing panties in a bunch over President Obama going golfing during a time of crisis. Enjoy your trip down memory lane!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bill Maher We Need To Promote Death (Or In Defense Of Gene Simmons)

This is a radio interview with "liberal" comedian/talk show host Bill Maher conducted by noted scientist/TV show host Neil deGrasse Tyson back in 2012. Of course, there was little if any "controversy" about this interview when it came out. Contrast that to a more recent interview given by aging rocker Gene Simmons (of Kiss fame) who made what some--or many--regarded as "insensitive" remarks concerning those "suffering" from depression/suicidal thoughts. I won't bother rehashing those comments here because, for one, people can Google it for themselves, and two, I DON'T REALLY CARE WHAT GENE SIMMONS SAYS ABOUT ANYTHING!!!! Anyway, as a result of Gene's "insensitive" comments, the hashtag #BanGene was started on Twitter and a number of radio stations in Australia and Canada have actually--that's right!--banned Kiss music from off their airwaves. (Not surprisingly, some--or many--have demanded that radio stations do the SAME in this country.) Let's be clear here: the ONLY reason why Gene's "insensitive" comments have garnered so much "controversy" is because of comedian/actor Robin Williams's death caused by suicide. (Gene's interview came out a few weeks before Robin's untimely death.) Otherwise, no one would have said nary a word about what Mr. Simmons said, especially since he's gained a reportedly well-deserved reputation for shooting his mouth off. (Again, Google it.) Of course, Gene Simmons gave the obligatory "apology" on his Facebook page--he's since apparently deleted his Twitter account--and, of course, the people who claim to be "upset" over this didn't "accept" said apology. But, of course, what I'd like to ask those pretending to be "upset" over Gene's "insensitive" remarks would be WHY IN THE BLESSED HELL DO YOU CARE WHAT IN SAID BLESSED HELL GENE SIMMONS HAS TO SAY ABOUT ANYTHING!!!! I mean, what Gene said--or didn't say--about those "suffering" from depression/suicidal thoughts will have absolutely NO effect whatsoever on these people. Not only that, but Gene Simmons has made his fame & fortune dressing up in face paint, having an extra long tongue and boasting how he's "slept" with hundreds of thousands of women (and, of course, he claims to have the pics to "prove" it!)! In any case, this all goes to show how we as a society give far too much credence to what celebrities say. Here's a link to a Time article which addressed this very topic VERY effectively: 

As for Bill Maher himself, I've noticed that Bill Maher has gotten away with shit no other celebrity could have possibly gotten away with saying. His "supporters" always say he's merely a "comedian" and therefore should be given more leeway with what his says (but then, I noticed the same leeway WASN'T given to other "controversial" comedians like, say, Daniel Tosh). Of course, if Bill Maher had said these very same words at around the time of Robin Williams's tragic death, I'd bet good money the SAME people who are pretending to be "upset" over Gene Simmons's "insensitive" remarks would go out of their "liberal" way to defend Bill Maher even though he made what can be perceived as equally "insensitive" remarks about suicide and such. You think? Anyway, the people--mostly "liberals"--who are claiming to be SO damn "upset" over Gene Simmons's "insensitive" remarks will soon find something ELSE to pretend to get "upset" over, you know what I mean?

Yeah, let's listen to THIS guy about "sensitive" issues!


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Must Watch! Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu speaks candidly about his Agenda and view of Americans (Or Facts You'll NEVER Hear On Fox News!)

I initially thought about writing my own piece about the recent horrific Israel/Palestinian conflict that has left hundreds of Palestinians, including CHILDREN, dead through Israeli bombardment and such. Of course, Israeli politicians, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have blamed the attacks on Hamas, the "terrorist" group who "controls" Gaza. However, after watching this rather appalling video, I thought it best to let Mr. Netanyahu speak for HIMSELF. In the video, which was shot back in 2001, Netanyahu is sitting down with an Israeli family and tells them point-blank how he REALLY feels about not only the Palestinians--whom he says he wants to hurt badly--and us lowly Americans. Of course, the U.S. has been "allies" with Israeli for decades. But I can't help but wonder just how "supportive" America would STILL be after watching what this bastard says about his not-so-beloved "ally" in this video. Basically, the Israeli Prime Minister boasts about how "easily manipulated" us stupid Americans are and basically jokes about how "80% of Americans support Israel" of which he exclaims: "That's absurd!" Of course, the U.S. government has sent millions of billions of dollars in "military aid" and weaponry to the Israeli government--which of course, Israel has used to pummel Hamas/Palestinian civilians not only in the recent conflict but in countless others--by the very SAME politicians, usually Republicans, who keep harping about how "broke" this country is and how the government can't--or won't--pay for things like "universal" health care or unemployment benefits--including to even military veterans--or repairing our decaying infrastructure or . . . well, you get the picture. Of course, anyone who dares criticize the almighty Israeli and/or its government gets labeled an anti-Semite, which, of course, is rather odd considering how Arabs--and, yes, that includes Palestinians--are also Semitic. Another thing those "critics" get accused of being is pro-Hamas--like, of course, on noted right-wing propaganda machine Fox (Non) News!--which is again rather odd considering how the Israeli government pretty much CREATED Hamas in order to fight against the "secular" PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). It's kind of like how the U.S. government more or less created Al Qaeda when the CIA and other government factions helped train the very same Islamic "militants"--who, of course, would later form the "terrorist" group--in Soviet-occupied Afghanistan--and, yes, that included the notorious Osama bin Laden--during the eighties to fight against their Soviet occupiers. Of course, these are FACTS you'll NEVER hear on Fox (Non) News. Nor will you EVER see this video. Speaking of this video, the Prime Minister gave an interview on--where else!--Fox News wherein he insisted the IDF (Israel Defense Force) was doing everything in its power to keep civilian "casualties" to a minimum in Gaza. However, in the above video when asked what he felt about Israel being viewed as the "aggressor" towards Palestinians, he bluntly stated, "I don't care." Whoops! Frankly, I think Benjamin Netanyahu and the leader of Hamas should BOTH be locked together in a room somewhere where they can BOTH pummel the hell out of each other thus sparing innocent civilian lives on BOTH sides. What do YOU think! The bottom line is, if Benjamin Netanyahu was anyone else, he's most likely be considered a brutal dictator. And if any other world leader was caught on tape saying the SAME things about America as what "Bibi" said on THIS tape, U.S. officials--and let's NOT forget Fox (Non) News!--would be all over his anti-American ass. Some ally, huh? Oh, by the way, I sent a link of this video to a few right-wingers, including Sean Hannity who, needless to say, has been a VERY staunch defender of Israel's in this conflict, And, needless to say, I didn't get a SINGLE reply. Just thought you'd like to know! A sidenote: Of course, Netanyahu insisted how the current "war" against Hamas and/or Gaza began as a result of those three Israeli teens being kidnapped and brutally murdered by, as Benjamin claimed, Hamas. Not only did Hamas never take any responsibility for the senseless murders of those three teens, there have been at least one of two Israeli officials who've seemingly backtracked on this claim and stated publicly that the murders weren't necessarily committed by Hamas directly but rather an "offshoot" of Hamas. Also, here's the link to a brutally video of two Palestinians teens who were shot AND killed by Israeli troops for NO apparent reason back in May before the current Israeli onslaught against Hamas/Gaza and is yet another FACT you'll NEVER hear on Fox (Non) News: And, while we're at it, here's another link to a story about yet another Palestinian teen who was killed by the IDF for no apparent reason: 
This is a Palestinian man holding up a child whose legs were
reportedly blown off from an Israeli attack (and is yet another
fact of which you WON'T hear on Fox News!).

Ayelet Shaked of the ultra-nationalist Jewish Home party who declared ALL Palestinians as "terrorists" and said how ALL Palestinian mothers should be MURDERED so that they won't give birth to future said "terrorists."

This is a picture of Benjamin Netanyahu shaking hands with a wounded
Syrian "rebel"--of which the Israeli government has been openly "supporting" with medical aid and such--who was also reported to be a "member" of Al Qaeda
(so apparently the PM will "support" Muslim "terrorists" after all!).

Monday, July 28, 2014


You said it, Buck!

Even though he admitted on The View he's NEVER voted!

Pretty self-explanatory, don't ya think?

This is Olby's infamous "abort" tweet about S.E. Cupp!

And who would know BETTER than Olby!

I got 2 words for ya, Olby: ANGER MANAGEMENT!

You don't know the HALF of it!

The lovely S.E. Cupp!

Oh, let's get morality lessons from an "erotic novelist" using a female pen name. Bye Felicia.
This is an actual tweet from sportscaster-turned-pundit-turned-sportscaster-again Keith Olbermann on Twitter in response to a tweet I had posted in reference to his recent rant--i.e. "Special Comment"--on his new show on ESPN2 about the NFL's rather lenient "punishment" of a two-game suspension and a measly fine against pro-football player Ray Rice after he was caught on surveillance video dragging his unconscious then-fiance out of an elevator whom he had reportedly knocked out after an argument the two had had. Unbelievably, Olby--as he's commonly referred to--accused the NFL of lacking "basic human respect" for women. I say "unbelievably" because of Olby's OWN checkered past regarding granting "basic human respect" for women throughout his media career, especially women of right-wing ilk like S.E. Cupp (whom he actually said whose parents should have aborted her or at least not given birth to her), Michelle Malkin (whom he called a "mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick"), Sarah Palin (by repeatedly calling her "stupid" and "idiotic" and worse), and even Hillary Clinton (by actually suggesting that someone "take her into a room and only he come out"), among others. Anyway, here's my tweet that apparently got Olby's leftie panties all in a wad:
RE: his NFL rant, if there's ANYONE who "respects" women it's . Just ask S.E. Cupp! (Oh, wait a sec!)
Apparently Olby got so incensed by my "critique" of him that he looked at my Twitter page and saw that I was indeed an "erotic novelist" (I view myself as a straight-up smut writer, but I digress) who recently had his very first "erotic" romance novel published titled--shameless plug alert!--MR. INNOCENT written under my "female" pen name Angel Ray (published by Luminosity Publishing at, just in case you were wondering!). Anyway, imagine my surprise--and delight!--when Olby responded to my tweet with the above response. So I, in my usual "snarky" manner, responded to his response with the following tweet:
As anyone who knows me can attest, Mr. Olbermann, I may be a lot of things, but "moral" is NOT one of them! Thanks, Felecia!
I was actually kind of surprised when Olby DIDN'T respond to this tweet, especially since he's known for his Twitter "feuds" with others, including the 13-year-old sister of a hockey player he once named as "Worst Person In The World"--a segment which he's "retired" about two or three times in a reported half-assed attempt to be more "civil"--due to a bad game they were having on his ESPN2 show. There were a number of ways of I could responded to Olby's tweet about me, of course. For instance, I could have pointed out that a good number of people wouldn't likewise want to get "morality lessons" from a damned sportscaster (Bob Costas, are you listening?). I could've also asked him if he believes that "erotic novelists" such as myself are unworthy of expressing their own personal political opinions, especially those that contradict--and, of course, attack--his own. I could have suggested he get anger management courses for getting said leftie panties in a wad every time someone dares question and/or criticize his all-knowing political opinions, and that, of course, includes getting into online pissing contests with CHILDREN. And, of course, I could've asked him who in the hell "Felecia" is. Maybe it was some sort of jab at my masculinity since I am a MALE "erotic novelist" writing under a female pen name and he's got a show discussing--but, of course, NOT playing--"manly" sports. In all my years of inexplicably watching Olby, I don't remember him ever mentioning the name Felecia, although he DID infamously blatantly rip off legendary newsman Edward R. Murrow's legendary sound off: "Good night and good luck!" (Murrow MUST be rolling in his grave!)
And, yes, for anyone who feels these are the ramblings of some fervent rightie-ass-kisser or--gasp!--a Fox (Non) News watcher (though I do watch Fox's late night "comedy" show Red Eye), I was at one time a MAJOR fan of Keith Olbermann. I used to religiously watch his former MSNBC show Countdown With Keith Olbermann for years. So why I am NOT a "fan" of Keith Olbermann any longer, you might be asking yourself at this point? Well, let's just say that it got to the point where I felt I was being BULLSHITTED whenever I watched him and his show, especially the last year or so before he abruptly quit--or was fired?--from said MSNBC show over the fact that MSNBC wouldn't pay him MORE money even though he constantly went after all those dastardly rich WHITE people on his show, which is more than a little ironic considering how Olby's "worth" an estimated $25 MILLION. (For the record, this is also why I stopped watching Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert and Bill Maher.) Anyway, in the last year or so of his show. Olby REALLY sounded as if he drunk the Leftie Kool-Aid! And, just so you know, I also got into it with Fox (Non) News resident Republican-ass-kissing blowhard Sean Hannity when I tweeted to him how it might be a good idea if his rich ass stop talking about how to "deal" with poor people to which he replied . . . well, actually, I don't rightly recall (right--get it?) what in the Republican-ass-kissing hell he said. (As you can CLEARLY tell, I'm an equal opportunity offender!)
Going back to his NFL rant, I actually agree with the overall gist of what Olby was saying, that Ray Rice DID get a lenient "punishment" by the NFL for what he was caught on-camera doing to his then-fiance (who is now his wife). But, then again, the NFL has a rather sordid history of being "lenient" with players who engage in heinous acts. Take, for instance, pro-football player Ray Lewis who was believed to be "involved" in a brutal double homicide back in 2000 where two men were stabbed to death by a couple of men in Ray's entourage. In spite of the fact that the white suit he was wearing the night of the murders was mysteriously never found (DNA, anyone?) and the fact that the blood of one of the stabbing victims was found in Ray's limo, Lewis NEVER served a single day in jail--he was put on probation in exchange for "testifying" against the two members of his entourage--and was only fined a reported $250,000 fine by the NFL. He was never, to my knowledge, suspended for ANY length of time by the NFL now has his football "career" suffered in ANY manner. So, the question remains, why did Olby get so "outraged" by what happened--or, rather, DIDN'T happen--to Ray Rice? It kind of reminds me of all the faux "outrage" the lefties expressed over Rush Limbaugh when he called that college student Sandra Fluke a "prostitute" after testifying before Congress how the government should provide "free" birth control to citizens (but, wait, I thought lefties believe that what occurs in a person's bedroom should NOT be the government's business?). Of course, it probably goes without saying that Olby also "criticized" Rush for saying this about Fluke, asking the rotund rightie if he ever called his very much mother a . . . well, you know! Of course, someone could turn THAT around and ask Olby if anyone has ever suggested to HIS mother that she should have aborted HIM like he did S.E. Cupp's mother who understandably WASN'T too happy with what Olby had said about her daughter when she asked him in an open letter: 
As S.E. Cupp’s mother, I have to ask: Have you no shame? No depth to which you will not stoop to insult an adversary?
Of course, I believe we ALL know the answer to THAT, don't we, Olby? To be fair (and let's NOT forget balanced!), Keith Olbermann did apologize--sort of--to S.E. Cupp and Michelle Malkin--but not, of course, to Hillary Clinton or Sarah Palin or the others he's insulted over the years--when he finally got called out for his female-bashing behavior. Ironically, it was during the whole Rush Limbaugh/Sarah Fluke fiasco when righties were rightfully pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of lefties attacking Limbaugh for doing what Limbaugh usually does--i.e. being a loudmouthed A-Hole/D-Bag--when they (the lefties) usually remained silent and/or outright "supported" their fellow lefties for saying the SAME "misogynistic" shit about right-wing women.
Going back to his tweet against me, in spite of what Olby may have thought, I wasn't giving or trying to give a "morality lesson" but rather a "hypocrisy lesson." Try as you might, Olby, you CAN'T mount your "moral" high horse and denounce an organization or an individual about "disrespecting" women when you yourself have apparently done a pretty damn good job of "disrespecting" women yourself. And, for the record, I'm not one of these politically-correct D-Bags who always harp about needing more "civility" in public discourse (as, ironically, Olby himself has advocated at least once or twice himself). I mean, I've certainly "denigrated" others in my blog posts, usually by calling them an A-Hole/D-Bag. Of course, calling someone an A-Hole/D-Bag is a far cry from saying someone should have NEVER been born, wouldn't YOU agree, Olby? Keith Olbermann is, of course, free to say whatever about whomever he chooses (short of "slander" or directly threatening a person, of course). But when you go on-record saying how a woman should NOT have even been born just because she espouses an opinion you don't like and/or implying how a MAN should do some physical harm to a woman, then it might--and I say MIGHT--be a good idea if you STFU about someone else NOT treating women without "basic human rights," you know what I mean? (This reminds me of whenever Olby's former nemesis Bill O'Reilly goes ballistic over what he's termed the "oversexualization" of our so-called popular culture when Billdo has written a book--i.e. Those Who Trespass--which includes a fascinating variety of SEX scenes, including a by-now-infamous scene where a teenaged crack whore gives, shall we say, oral stimulation to her pimp!)
As for me being a lowly "erotic novelist" and whatnot, although I may not have nowhere near the fame & fortune that you obviously possess, Mr. Olbermann, that does NOT mean my opinion is any more or less valid than your own. I also find it rather hypocritical--not to mention laughable!--that Keith Olbermann and practically everyone else in what Jon Stewart calls the "punditocracy" (of which Jon Stewart, in spite of what HE claims, is an apparent member of himself) are in the business of "criticizing"--even "defaming"--others for a living when they themselves are apparently all--or at least 99.9 1/2 % of them--so damned thin-skinned that they blow their very tops whenever someone "criticizes"--or "demeans"--them in ANY way (like, for instance, sending them snarky tweets on Twitter!). I remember once on Countdown On Keith Olbermann Olby made fun of--and rightfully so--Bill O'Reilly for getting his rightie tighties all in a bunch on his Fox (Non) News show The O'Reilly Factor about a FICTIONAL character on one of those Law & Order shows calling him a "cancer" on society. But then Olby turns right around (right--get it?) and gets into pissing contests with people on Twitter, such as a 13-year-old and--of course!--yours truly! But, then again, what MORE can you say about someone who's actually bragged about the number of times he's been FIRED from practically every single media job he's EVER had. In fact, he's apparently such a you-know-what to work for that one of the people who used to work with him back during his "glory days" on ESPN stated in a magazine interview--I can't recall who it was who said this or which magazine the article was from--that Olby could probably get his old job back if he would allow everyone to walk by him and punch him in the stomach. Yikes!
In any case, instead of doing like Keith Olbermann and blatantly ripping a dead legendary newsman, I'd like to end my blog post with this sendoff from the former underrated rap group the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy:
Hypocrisy IS the greatest luxury! Raise the double standard!
A sidenote: S.E. Cupp got attacked again, this time by Hustler magazine (yes, THAT Hustler magazine!) when they published a "parody" photo of her with a penis in her mouth with that caption that read: "What would S.E. Cupp look like with a dick in her mouth?" Understandably, Miss Cupp got "upset" over the photoshopped dick pic. However, I really couldn't see what all the hoopla was over this particular photoshopped photo. I mean, Hustler and its notorious editor-in-chief Larry Flynt has been doing THIS shit for years! I mean, would S.E. be any happier if they named her "Asshole of the Month"? It's been a while since I've "read" Hustler, but, as I recall, they've done the very SAME thing to male public figures (i.e. photoshopping a male member in their gullet). If I were S.E. Cupp, I would've just blown this off (no pun intended!) and said something like, "What more can you expect from someone who's called himself a pig and a scumbag?" Of course, I don't remember ANY righties complaining when Hustler published a pictorial of a Bill Clinton lookalike getting it on in the "Oval Office" with a Monica Lewinsky lookalike back when "Bubba" was President where they did stuff that I probably CAN'T mention on this blog! (However, if you, uh-hum, read the by-now-infamous Starr Report, then you probably know what in the perverted hell I'm talking about, all rightie?) Oh, by the way, I tweeted Miss Cupp and informed her about the run-in I had with Keith Olbermann. She then tweeted back to me: "My condolences . . . or congrats?" I then tweeted back: "I'd say BOTH!" She, like Olby, didn't respond. Oh, before I forget, here's the link to the video of S.E. Cupp sending Keith Olbermann a "proper" send-off after he was FIRST for the umpteenth time from Al Gore's former Current TV due to a reported tiff over--what else!--MONEY (1 Percenters, anyone?):
A side-sidenote: A number of months after my initial Twitter "feud" with Keith Olbermann, I read online where Olby was getting shit-canned from from ESPN--AGAIN!--for a rather unspecified reason. So I went on his Twitter page to see if he said anything about getting shit-canned from ESPN--AGAIN--and guess what? KEITH OLBERMANN BLOCKED ME FROM VIEWING HIS ALL-IMPORTANT TWITTER PAGE! Here's a screen shot of the "blocked" message I received when I logged onto Olby's precious Twitter page:

So, let me get this straight, Olby blocks me on Twitter because of ONE admittedly snarky tweet? Well, I say good riddance to the sanctimonious leftie D-Bag! My only "regret" in all of this is that I wasted SO much of my time--of my life, even--listening to THIS petty, two-faced, hypocritical, holier-than-thou left-wing Kool-Aid drinker! And, if Olby EVER reads this (which I sincerely hope he does!), I just want to let HIM know that whichever TV network is STUPID enough to hire his petty leftie ass I will NEVER watch ANY of his future shows or "support" said petty leftie ass in ANY way! As he said to me in his tweet: Bye, Felecia!

The following clip is from Olby's former MSNBC show with Village Voice/Idiot "gossip" columnist Michael Musto on the now-forgotten right-wing stooge Carrie Prejean PROVES just how much Keith Olbermann TRULY "respects" woman:
And, while we're at it, while Keith Olbermann always loved to say how "stupid" or "idiotic" people like Sarah Palin were, THIS clip from his former show Countdown proves just what an "imbecile" HE could be:

Saturday, July 26, 2014


This is the ONLY time I've EVER "respected" Kanye West!
Hey, Kanye, THIS is how black people were treated
during the sixties, JACKASS!

Typical quote from "typical" Kanye West!

You and me BOTH!

For the record, THIS is what caused the POTUS to call
Kanye West a JACKASS!

Sadly, THESE are what pass for "celebrities" in THIS country!

This is what I say to ALL celebrities
who liken being famous to being RAPED!

You said it!
For once, Barack Obama got it right: Kanye West IS a jackass. If the point hasn't been made abundantly clear by now, I am not now nor will I ever be a "fan" of Kanye West. I'm NOT a "fan" of his so-called music nor of him personally. Kanye West, over the years, has garnered a well-deserved reputation of being a publicity-hogging, self-absorbed and truly idiotic egomaniac. I won't bother going into all of Kanye's antics over the years (like, for instance, does anyone remember the by-now-infamous Taylor Swift incident at the MTV awards?), and I normally wouldn't have bothered wasting my time writing about such an overrated "musician" on this blog. That is, until I read his recent interview in GQ wherein he insisted how all-important celebrities such as himself are treated JUST LIKE BLACK PEOPLE DURING THE SIXTIES.

Really, Kanye? Really?!

I have scoured Google and I have yet to find anyone who have found this incredibly moronic remark "offensive" or anything like that. I'm not sure if people no longer take this JACKASS seriously or if people are suffering from Kanye fatigue or whatever. I mean, this is just another in a long line of recent celebrity rants/whines--and NOT just from Kanye--about how "hard" it is being a celebrity, including celebrities--and, yes, that includes Kanye--who have actually likened being famous--and let's NOT forget rich!--to being RAPED. My obvious question to Mr. West and all other celebs who apparently feel THIS strongly about being famous--and, again, let's NOT forget rich!--would be this: IF YOU DON'T LIKE BEING FAMOUS, THEN WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TRY SO FUCKING HARD TO BE FAMOUS? I mean, no one forced these fucking cretins--and, yes, that includes YOU, Kanye!--to seek out fame (and let's NOT forget fortune!), now did they, Kanye? And, for all the ranting/whining from these celebs about how "hard" it is being a celebrity, I have never--NOT ONE TIME--seen ANY of them give it all up for a more "simple" life, have you

I didn't think so.

And, while we're at it, if Kanye West truly "hates" being famous (and let's NOT forget rich as he's "worth" a reported $100 million), why DID he marry a woman--i.e. the infamous Kim Kardashian-- who's famous for absolutely NOTHING (boring sex tape notwithstanding!)? Frankly, if Kanye TRULY can't stand to be famous/rich, why DOESN'T he just give it all up and go and live a more "normal" life? (I know I sure WOULDN'T mind!) And, while he's at it, he can take his fame whorish wife with him! As for what he said in GQ about celebrities being "treated" the SAME as black people back during the sixties (see the above "lynching" pic to see how outrageous THAT claim is), we live in a so-called society where people bend over backwards to "accommodate" celebrities and their self-indulgent bullshit. Believe it or not, there WAS a time when so-called celebrities like Kanye West and especially his "beloved" wifey Kim "I Ain't Got No Talent!" Kardashian would NOT have been celebrities. 

Ah, the good old days!

The bottom line is, whenever you get called a JACKASS by the President of the United States and/or people start booing you at your concerts (which has been actually happening to Kanye at some of his recent shows, especially when he launches into one of his MANY "anti-fame" rants onstage), then it might--and I say MIGHT--be a good idea to stop acting like such a JACKASS, you know what I mean? In any case, I'd like to offer my own personal "suggestion" to Kanye West (and let's NOT forget his "beloved" wife!), especially since he "hates" being famous and all (and let's NOT forget rich!):


Going back to Kanye's GQ interview, Kanye DID call himself a "blowfish" in the interview, so there you go!

Here's the video for the song "Celebrity" sung by country crooner Brad Paisley that I feel is VERY appropriate for this article. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chelsea Handler Hitler Parody (Of Where's The Left When You "Need" Them?)

While Chelsea Handler has taken at least SOME flak for this, primarily from Jewish groups, whatever "criticism" she has gotten thus far vastly pales in comparison to the "criticisms" surrounding Paula Deen, Rush Limbaugh and/or that Duck Dynasty guy over "offensive" shit they said and/or did. I mean, The Left tried to destroy these people's careers (and they, of course, pretty much succeeded in Deen's case). So, my question is (and ALWAYS is whenever this type of shit happens), where's The Left regarding Chelsea Handler's Hitler parody? Oh, their collective leftie heads are up Alec Baldwin's homophobic ass! And, just so you know, I myself DON'T find this "offensive" in the slightest the same way I didn't find what Paula Deen, Rush Limbaugh and/or that Duck Dynasty guy said and/or did "offensive" in the slightest. (Yeah, I know, I'm an A-Hole!)

Thursday, July 10, 2014


A typical home page for leftie Website

This is an adult pic of former child star Mara Wilson
which P.C. apparently finds "ugly".

This is John McCain's daughter Meghan
who is one of's favorite targets.

This is "comedian" Sarah Silverman wearing BLACKFACE
which apparently finds "funny".

I was reading an article or two on noted leftie site, I was bored!--and down towards the bottom of the page where they had links to other articles on other sites one article title read something like: "Former Child Stars Who Grew Up UGLY." What struck me as rather odd about this--not to mention, of course, hypocritical--is that Salon, just like every other leftie site (and, yes, I'm looking at you, Gawker!), routinely promotes "typical" leftie ideals such as politically-correctness and the like, including feminism and/or feminist ideals such as promoting "positive" women's body images. And I say this because the article caption showed a picture of former child star Mara Wilson--who's perhaps best known for her role in the Robin Williams vehicle Mrs. Doubtfire--when she was a child and next to that a pic of her as an "ugly" adult (and, in my view, she WASN'T "ugly"). So just why in the world would post a link to an article like THIS is beyond me. But, just like with every other leftie site (and, again, I'm looking at YOU, Gawker!), this wasn't the FIRST time Salon has let their leftie hypocrisy show; like, for instance, they were among those MANY lefties who slammed "comedian" Daniel Tosh who told that by-now-infamous rape joke to a female heckler at one of his shows while they're published scores of articles praising and/or defending "comedienne" Sarah Silverman even though she's told the SAME rape jokes as Mr. Tosh and even worse (see Sarah's "blackface" pic above). Likewise, they, like every other leftie site (or, of course, leftie in general), has harped about the right's so-called "war on women" and/or their homophobia while they virtually ignore the female "discrimination" and/or homophobia espoused in the Muslim world--stonings, beatings, rapings, female genital mutilation, etc., etc.--and label anyone who dares brings this FACT up as--that's right!--an Islamophobe. Salon, for all their talk of "supporting" women's rights and such, also posted a rather nasty article criticizing John McCain's daughter Meghan McCain (Google it) even though she's gone-on-record espousing "gay" rights and also got into a public pissing match with the Palins (of course, Meghan's BIGGEST "sin" in Salon's mind is probably that she's the daughter of a noted right-wing politician, you know what I mean?). Of course, I can just hear the lefties who are reading this screaming, "What about these right-wing sites?" I would harp about the blatant hypocrisy one regularly sees on various right-wing sites (and, yes, I'm looking at YOU, Fox Nation!), but THAT would be rather redundant, don't you figure? You know what I'd like to see? I'd personally like to see a site that goes after everyone EQUALLY regardless of their political affiliation and such. Of course, the day THAT happens will probably be the SAME day there'll be a freeze advisory on the Weather Channel for Hell itself. You think?

Here's the late great George Carlin's take on so-called rape jokes (which, at least in MY view, is a hell of a lot "funnier" than either Daniel Tosh or Sarah Silverman!):

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


WHAT IF HOBBY LOBBY WAS A "MUSLIM" BUSINESS RATHER THAN A "CHRISTIAN" ONE? (Or Yet ANOTHER Reason Why I Think The Right & The Left Are Both Equally Full-Of-Sh!t)

Would the left make the SAME argument if it was a Koran?

And the SAME ones against it would be for it.

A "war on women" the left will NEVER talk about.

Yes, the Koran also speaks against premarital relations.

Here's my two-cents on the current insipid "controversy" regarding the Supreme Court siding with the "Christian" arts & crafts store Hobby Lobby over their refusal to "cover" certain types of birth control in their health care coverage for their female employees:


Need I say more? 

Saturday, June 28, 2014


For once, I agree with Russell Brand!

Or maybe you're just a sanctimonious toolbag!

Except, of course, when it comes to terrorists killing CHILDREN!

Russell Brand: social revolutionary extraordinaire!

You tell 'em, Fry!

Frankly, I'd rather hear Katy Perry's take on politics!
Russell Brand is a British toolbag, uh, I mean, comedian and sometime actor and/or talk show host who's also a self-admitted former drug AND sex addict (and, oh yeah, he's singer Katy Perry's ex, as if you didn't know THAT already!). Russell actually fashions himself as some sort of cultural and/or political revolutionary who's NEVER been shy about espousing his, uh-hum, opinion on various topics. Recently, Brand made headlines when he went on a YouTube rant against Fox (Non) News where he called the "news" outfit a, and I quote, "fanatical, terrorist, propagandist organization" that is--and, again, I quote--"more dangerous than ISIS." ISIS, for those of you who've been living under a rock these past couple of weeks, is the "jihadist" group that's currently trying to violently take over the entire nation of Iraq. Apparently what got Russell's British crumpets in a bunch was when Fox (Non) News commentator former prosecutor Jeanine Pirro emphatically stated on her show how the U.S. should "bomb" ISIS and whatnot. This caused Brand to lash out at Miss Pirro in his 10-minute diatribe by saying how--and, there again, I quote--"she's the savage, she's totally espousing savage values." So, let me see if I understand you correctly, Mr. Brand, someone--a woman--who says something you obviously don't agree with is more "savage" than an actual "terrorist organization" that has reportedly gone from one Iraqi town/city to the next reportedly engaging in civilian massacres and forcing civilians--including men, women AND children--to flee their homes in terror? Makes sense! 

Before I go any further, I'd just like to reiterate that I'm NO major huge fan of Fox (Non) News (nor am I a "fan" of MSNBC and/or CNN). And I'm especially NO major huge fan of Jeanine Pirro who is certainly NO stranger to making outlandish comments. Not that I'm saying that "bombing" Iraq--or, more precisely, bombing ISIS strongholds--wouldn't be such a bad idea and might even protect the lives of the Iraqi civilians that ISIS is targeting in their brutal quest to take over Iraq. I mean, ISIS is a TERRORIST group so brutal and so fanatical that even the terroristic likes of Al Qaeda has reportedly distanced themselves from them. And Russell Brand is actually saying Fox (Non) News and/or Jeanine Pirro is WORSE than this group? 

You know, Russell could have come out with a video making a rational and reasoned argument against what Miss Pirro--and other commentators on Fox (Non) News--have said about the current crisis in Iraq and/or how they (the Fox News commentators) got it WRONG about Iraq the first time around (like, for instance, when Bill O'Reilly actually claimed on his show how "President" Bush's "war" in Iraq would ONLY last a week!). But, for whatever reason, he comes out with THIS outrageous "liberal" dreck. And, if THIS wasn't bad enough, he made even more bizarre--and SOME might say misogynistic--attacks against Miss Pirro when he said the following (and, be warned, this part of Brand's diatribe gets rather disturbing): 

“I don’t recommend it, but there are porn sites available where you can let a woman abuse you. There on the camera, she’ll go like, ‘Look at you, look at your little dick. Think that I fulfill you? Oh yeah, what are you going to do with that thing? Wanna smell my ass? Wanna sniff my bum bum?’ They say stuff like that… This woman is like those people.”
Are you seriously kidding me with THIS? Could you just imagine the shit-storm that would no doubt erupt if some right-wing entertainer came out and said THIS about some female left-winger? Remember when the lefties all had a collective coronary and tried to get Rush Limbaugh kicked off the air when he made that "joke" about that college student who testified before Congress how the government should pay for women's birth control being a "prostitute"? But here we have this "liberal" toolbag saying that a right-wing woman is not only a "savage" but could be on a PORN site where women "abuse" men? (And, by the way, just how in the hell does he know of the "existence" of said porn sites?) What makes this all the MORE ironic is that the lefties, of course, are always harping about the right's so-called "war on women" and/or how we should ALL engage in "civil" discourse. And, of course, not only has there NOT been any noticeable outrage from the left over Russell Brand's YouTube rant but, from what I've read, lefties have gone-on-record applauding what Brand said about Fox (Non) News and/or Jeanine Pirro. (Which shouldn't come as no surprise since former MSNBC nutjob Keith Olbermann made the same pronouncement about Fox News when he stated how the "news" channel was--that's right!--WORSE than Al Qaeda in his Playboy Interview years ago and the lefties said NOTHING.) And, of course, the lefties were all "outraged" when Bill O'Reilly once called the ACLU a "terrorist organization" on his show. Of course, according to Leftie Logic, one can get away with calling someone a "terrorist" so long as it's a leftie doing it, right, lefties?
I would like to give a personal message to Russell Brand if I may: Mr. Brand, if you ever read this (which I sincerely hope you do!), I would just like to let you know I will no longer watch anymore of your TV shows and/or movies and I certainly WON'T listen to anything else you have to say on ANYTHING. I do this NOT because I'm "defending" Fox (Non) News and/or Jeanine Pirro, of course, but rather because anyone who goes-on-record saying something as outlandish as someone merely expressing an opinion is more "savage" than someone who kills civilians, including CHILDREN, is someone I do NOT wish to give my "support" and/or further waste my time listening to, you know what I mean? What I find all the more ironic about your diatribe is how you're always saying how we should all just love and/or respect each other and whatnot. If THIS is what you consider love and/or respect, you can your love/respect and shove it up your British arse, you sanctimonious, hypocritical toolbag!
Shit, no wonder Katy Perry left THIS guy!

And here's another thing about Russell Brand: Before his dumb-as-shit rant against Fox (Non) News, Russell Brand actually DEFENDED pop star Justin Beiber after he came out with not one but TWO "racist" videos where he said The N Word MANY times, including in a little "racist" ditty he wrote. Brand's "defense" of the little moppet-haired D-Bag saying The N Word MANY times in those videos was that he was just 15-years-old at the time and therefore didn't know what he was saying. You know, that particular argument may--and I say MAY--have worked if he was, say, five instead of fifteen because I knew when I was fifteen I was well aware of the FACT that saying The N Word in reference to African-Americans was a BAD thing. Frankly, I think Russell Brand should just stick to telling dick jokes and should just kindly STFU about politics since, quite frankly, HE'S A DUMB FUCKING MORON!!!! You think? Anyway, here's the link to an article "discussing" Russell's inexplicable DEFENSE of the embattled pop dud (along with Whoopi Goldberg who also DEFENDED Justin who also, if you'll recall, DEFENDED child rapist Roman Polanski by saying that him drugging AND raping a defenseless 13-year-old girl years ago DIDN'T amount to what Whoopi called, and I quote, "rape-rape"):

Oh yeah, before I forget, Russell Brand has also gone-on-record defending and/or praising COMMUNISM in both his aptly-titled "comedy" show Messiah Complex along with other interviews and such, implying or saying how COMMUNISM--such as massive wealth redistribution and the like--would be the PERFECT way to "cure" society out of ALL its ills. Never mind the fact that COMMUNISM has left approximately 100 million dead over the last century. Brand more or less just sweeps this FACT under the rug by saying how the COMMUNISTS got it wrong. Gee, Russell, you think? Ironically, under COMMUNISM, Russell Brand would more-than-likely NOT enjoy the successful "entertainment" career he currently enjoys where he makes a reported $10 million-per-picture and who reportedly lives in a mansion in Beverly Hills. To be fair (and let's NOT forget balanced!), Russell does do considerable "charity" work. However, if he truly believes his own claptrap about "massive wealth redistribution" and whatnot, he's perfectly free to give away--or "redistribute"--his own massive wealth anytime he pleases, you know what I mean? So, to reiterate, "comedian" Russell Brand called a woman a "savage" for daring to suggest we bomb terrorists who are murdering civilians in cold blood and has praised a brutal form of government that's left millions of billions of people DEAD.

I guess we know who the TRUE "savage" is, don't we, Russell?

Oh, by the way, between 1999 and 2001, the U.S. and British-led air forces in Iraq dropped approximately 1.3 MILLION pounds of bombs in response to purported violations of the no-fly zones and anti-aircraft fire from Saddam Hussein. And, let's see, who WAS the U.S. President during THAT time? Oh yeah, that's right! BILL CLINTON!!!! I wonder if Russell Brand would call HIM a "savage"? Somehow I seriously doubt it!

A sidenote: Here's the link to Russell Brand's insipid anti-Fox (Non) News YouTube rant for anyone who is interested in wasting their time watching the damn thing: