Saturday, February 8, 2014


Which one is the REAL George Zimmerman?

George Zimmerman's grinning mug after his "not guilty" verdict.
(My sincerest apologies for showing this pic!)

This pic shows just how "non-racist" the criticism
lobbied against slain Trayvon Martin TRULY was.

Ted Nugent not only "supported" George Zimmerman but also pretty much said Trayvon Martin "deserved" to die at his hands since he was, according to Ted, such a "thug" and all. (I guess "serial pedophiles" have got to stick together!)

This “message” to George Zimmerman is in response to his reported boxing match between him and has-been rapper DMX for reported charity along with all of his other, shall we say, antics since being acquitted in the shooting death of UNARMED 17-year-old Trayvon Martin (who was, incidentally, African-American):

George, in response to your boxing match between yourself and has-been rapper DMX along with your run-ins with the law concerning your, shall we say, disagreements with your ex-wife and your girlfriend since being acquitted in the senseless shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, I’d just like to say the following to you if I may: GO THE FUCK AWAY, YOU CHILD-KILLING--AND CHILD-RAPING!--USELESS PIECE OF (FILL IN THE BLANK FOR YOURSELF!), YOU!!!! I think I can safely speak for the vast majority of Americans--or at least 99.9 ½ % of them--when I say that no one cares about you anymore. Even your diehard supporters--the ones that tried to prop you up as some type of gun-toting patriotic “savior” of White America during your trial while trying to virtually demonize Trayvon Martin (someone whom they had never met, by the way) and insisting it WASN’T “racist” in doing so while saying some of the most racist-sounding crap against Trayvon (again, someone whom they had never even met)--are seemingly jumping off the George Zimmerman ass-kissing bandwagon in droves. Even commentators on Fox (Non) News--which was, of course, one of your biggest and staunchest “supporters”--have started bashing you. Hell, I bet your “good buddy” Sean Hannity--whom, if you’ll recall, you told that it was “God’s will” for you to shoot Trayvon Martin in (of course!) self-defense--aren’t returning your phone calls at THIS point. And I’m sure, in your own self-aggrandizing way, you’re no doubt wondering how could THIS be since you are the gun-toting patriotic “savior” of White America and all? Well, it might--and I say might!--have something to do with the fact that your true colors (pardon the pun!) are starting to show what with your recent brushes with the law--the very SAME law that seemingly went of their non-racist way to “protect” you in the days following your shooting of UNARMED (and let’s NOT forget African-American!) Trayvon Martin--concerning your, shall we say, skirmishes with the law regarding your--again, shall we say--disagreements you’ve had with your ex-wife and/or your girlfriend, the latter of which you (allegedly!) shoved your beloved gun in her face, which, I’m sure in YOUR mind at least, she “deserved” it just like Trayvon Martin. And I can’t help but wonder how you feel about your ex-wife NOT “supporting” you like she had done during the trial and even going so far as to LIE for you about your personal finances to the court that, of course, got her into a wee bit of trouble. She even said that you felt “invincible” after the “not guilty” verdict. I mean, let’s face it, you’ve gotten away with some pretty heinous shit in your sorry lifetime, including domestic violence (of which you yourself once boasted about getting away with on your MySpace page), molesting your UNDERAGE cousin for years (allegedly!) and, of course, murder. And, let’s face facts, your ONLY, for lack of a MUCH better word, contribution to society and/or how you’ve gotten your 15 minutes of shame, uh, I mean, fame is that you shot & killed an UNARMED teenaged boy regardless of what his race was and, by the way, WOULDN‘T have happened if you just kept you fat worthless ass in your car like that 911 dispatcher told you to do in the first damn place. So I, along with MANY other Americans (including, as I pointed out, a number of your staunchest “supporters”), feel it’s high time that you left the public spotlight altogether. No more sightings, no more skirmishes with the law (or women), no more artwork, no more shameless publicity stunts. NOTHING! Just take your beloved gun and leave. Go. Vamoose. Get the fuck outta here. Stick a fork in your fat worthless ass. YOU’RE DONE. However, I will say this: I sincerely hope DMX kicks your fat worthless ass just like Trayvon Martin apparently did just before you shot him. Frankly, I'm kind of surprised you "agreed" to fight him since, given your past actions, you apparently "prefer" to "target" those whom you obviously feel are "weaker" than you (such as women & children, of course), but I digress.

A footnote: Here's a link to an article which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt just how non-racist--and, of course, just!--all the criticisms lobbied against the slain--and let's NOT forget thuggish!--Trayvon Martin TRULY was:

A second footnote: Since this "message" was written, the purported Zimmerman/DMX boxing match has been called off. Hmmm, I guess it wasn't "God's will" for Zimmerman to "fight" DMX after all, eh, George?

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