Monday, February 17, 2014

Ted Bundy's Last Interview (Or The Myths Of Ted Bundy)

Here's a list of OTHER things that Ted "Bastard" Bundy publicly blamed his heinous killing spree on (which, if you'll recall, also included the brutal killing of a 12-year-old girl): his “abusive” grandfather, the absence of his biological father, the concealment of his true parentage, alcohol, the media, the police (whom he accused of planting evidence), “society” in general, violence on television, lack of sleep, the Devil, true crime periodicals and--of course!--pornography and he even “blamed“ his very own victims, reportedly stating in a letter: “I have known people who radiate vulnerability, Their facial expressions say ‘I am afraid of you‘. These people invite abuse. By expecting to be hurt, do they subtly encourage it.” He also infamously called himself a, and I quote, "cold motherfucker" and actually told his victims--including said 12-year-old girl--to go FUCK themselves. Oh yeah, fundamentalist A-Hole/D-Bag James C. Dobson not only received over a million bucks in "donations" after doing THIS interview from "Bastard" Bundy (but gave the money to "charity" after he received so MUCH righteous condemnation for doing so) but he said nary a word about his good buddy Bundy getting married--and having a child--with this girlfriend during one of his murder trials that he conducted himself (again, if you'll recall), which, of course, is all rather interesting when you consider that Dobson is one of the MAIN ones who is against "gay" marriage. So, I guess in Dobson's "moral" mind, two "gay" people getting married is MORE "sinful" than a brutal serial killer. Makes sense!

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