Friday, May 16, 2014

PETA NEEDS TO DIE (Or Why MSNBC's Chris Hayes Apparently DOESN'T "Disapprove" Of ALL Death Threats!)

I've watched noted leftie Chris Hayes repeatedly harp on his show on MSNBC about gun rights advocates making death threats against anti-gun advocates and whatnot. However, I have yet to hear him--and, of course, his fellow lefties on MSNBC and elsewhere--equally condemn death threats from members of leftie organizations such as PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) against hunting advocates and whatnot. Listen, I'm all for the "ethical treatment" of animals and I'm NOT what you'd call a big gun guy and/or a big "supporter" of the whack-jobs who run the NRA (the National Rifle Association), although, unlike SOME lefties, I do believe that people do have a Second Amendment right to "keep & bear arms" and whatnot. But, at the same time, I think death threats from ANY organization or members thereof should be equally condemned across the board. But, judging from his silence on this issue (i.e. left-wing death threats), Mr. Hayes doesn't feel as "strongly" about death threats made from those on HIS side. Gee, I wonder why? A sidenote: Here's the link to an article about animal rights activists--not sure if they're from PETA--actually making death threats against a terminally ill college student because she dared praise animal testing for disease cures: Now could you imagine the outcry from Chris Hayes and others on the (so-called) left had this or ANY college student been "threatened" by guns rights advocates from the NRA or wherever for praising gun control laws? Oh yeah, the "president" of PETA, according to the above video, has actually come out and said she'd be "against" animal testing even if it could cure AIDS. Surprised?  

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