Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Daily Show Doesn't Censor "The N Word" (Or Paula Deen Gets Condemned For Saying The N Word While Jon Stewart Gets Laughs)

This clip of Jon Stewart using The N Word on The Daily Show--complete with audience laughter--is for all of you self-righteous lefties who are claiming to be "upset" over Paula Deen "admitting" she may have used The N Word herself sometime in the past. I mean, if you two-faced lefties AREN'T going to hold your beloved Jon Stewart for saying The N Word--more than once, I might add--on his very own show, then I would kindly suggest you STFU about Paula Deen--or anyone else, for THAT matter--using That Word themselves. Deal?

Saturday, April 20, 2013


NonRogerEbert: BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE:     Bowling For Columbine is a documentary by noted controversial "liberal" filmmaker Michael Moore. The film centers aroun...


NonRogerEbert: ZERO DARK THIRTY: Have you ever seen a movie advertised on TV and you think there's no way in hell you would EVER pay to go see it? Zero Dark Thirty is...

NonRogerEbert: UNITED 93

NonRogerEbert: UNITED 93:   United 93 purports to tell the "story" of the doomed flight that landed in a Pennsylvania field while purportedly en route ...


Wonder Woman is the brainchild of writer and psychologist William Moulton Martin--yes, a MAN--who made her first appearance in the comics back in 1941. For those few of you who don’t know who Woman Woman actually is, she’s an Amazonian-esque princess who lives on an island called--you guessed it!--Paradise Island devoid of men who decides to go to Man’s World to help fight the good fight with the help of her “magic” lasso and bullet-stopping bracelets and Invisible Plane and whatnot (or something like that!). Wonder Woman, like many superheroes, has gone through various changes throughout the years. At one point, she even “loses” her superpowers and becomes a more “normal” superhero. For some reason, feminists who’ve long regarded WW as some sort of feminist icon--Gloria Steinem’s Ms. Magazine even featured WW on the front cover of the first issue--weren’t too happy about this and pestered the producers of the WW comic to change her back, which, of course, they eventually did. Quite frankly, I never understood the whole “feminist icon” thing since Wonder Woman is scantily-clad AND big-bosomed, which, of course, are two things feminists normally don’t care all that much for. They [the feminists] insist that Wonder Woman is a good role model for young girls by somehow showing them [young girls] can do anything . . . So long as they have magical powers and wear the American flag as underwear! (It kind of reminds me of when the feminists lauded the movie Thelma & Louise as the ultimate feministic film when, in reality, it was a blatant rip-off of a B-movie called--wait for it!--Assault Of The Killer Bimbos!) Anyway, I have to admit I’ve never been the biggest Wonder Woman fan. As a kid when I was heavily into comics, I was always more into the lesser-known superheroes and that, of course, included the super heroines, including Wonder Woman-esque Valkyrie, Hellcat (both from The Defenders, which was one of my favorite comics growing up), Scarlet Witch and Madame Masque (who was Tony Stark a.k.a. Iron Man’s girlfriend and who is probably regarded in Comic Book World as more of a villainess than an actual super heroine). I don’t even remember watching the much-ballyhooed seventies TV series starring the voluptuous Lynda Carter as the titular (pardon the pun!) title character, although I, of course, did definitely watch it in reruns in later years. In recent years, Wonder Woman has gone through yet another change when she was given a brand new--and more “conservative”--outfit much to the reported chagrin of her diehard fans (and I’m sure that includes the feminists!). As for Wonder Woman being some sort of role model, feminist or otherwise, to paraphrase the late great George Carlin, if your kid needs a role model and you ain’t it, then you’re BOTH, well, screwed (and, of course, GC used another word for screwed!)!


When he’s not seemingly threatening the President at NRA conventions, he’s boasting of how much underage--as he would put it--”pointing” he’s gotton over the years (more on THAT in a bit!). Ted Nugent has been a darling of the right-wing, both the extreme and not-so-extreme, for years thanks to his diehard “love” of firearms and/or hunting--which has led, of course, to his membership in the NRA--and his equally diehard “support” of anything and everything even remotely right-wing in this country. For instance, this is what The Nuge had to say about what he’d like to see happen in this country: “I want child molesters dead. I want the bad guys dead. No court case. No parole. No early release. I want them dead. Get a gun, and when they attack you, shoot them.” (So much for due process, huh?) This, of course, is tough talk coming from an A-Hole who’s bragged about shacking up for a number of years with an underage girl--in other words, a child--and how he kept his "conservative" ass out of jail for statutory rape when he went to the girl’s parents and used some of that legendary Nugent charm to persuade them to allow him to become their little girl’s guardian so he could legally keep banging her. Gives new meaning Nugent’s famed moniker Uncle Ted, doesn’t it? “Uncle” Ted is also an impassioned hunter, which he wrote about in gruesome, near-orgasmic detail in a book that was published in 1991 called, appropriately enough, Blood Trails. Ted’s zealous love of hunting caused him to lend his support in convincing the House of Representatives in Michigan where he resides to repeal that state’s ban on hunting--and, no, I’m not making this up!--mourning doves. Said The Nuge of his legislative victory: “I’m Rosa Parks with a 12-gauge!” Mr. Nugent, not surprisingly, has been an ardent supporter of former "President" George W. Bush’s “wars” in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. I’ve seen Ted going on various talk shows (right-wing, of course!) to denounce what he’s referred to as the “leftist-leaning liberals” of Hollywood and anyone who dared criticize Dubya’s “wars” in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. Again, this is tough talk for an A-Hole who’s also boasted of how he evaded serving his beloved country during the Vietnam War by showing up to his draft board with a load of shit in his pants (John Wayne, are you listening?). Besides, do we really need lessons on how to be a Good American Patriot from an A-Hole who penned the song Wang Dang Sweet Poontang? Nope, I didn’t think so. Not only that, but Ted Nugent by-now-infamously called himself a, and I quote, serial pedophile--let me repeat--SERIAL PEDOPHILE on the VH-1 show "Behind the Music" while he was actually bragging about all the "underage" groupies he was doing the deed with back during his "Cat Scratch Fever" heyday. He even termed such "underage" diddling on the show as--again, I quote--alternative flesh management. Which shouldn't really be so surprising since about half of all The Nuge's songs are about his love of what he's termed "the underage" with ditties like the appropriately-titled Jailbait, Little Miss Dangerous (which he admitted he wrote for his then-"underage" live-in lover), the aptly-titled I Am A Predator and the aforementioned Wang Dang Sweet Poontang. I mean, do you think Cat Scratch Fever was an actual disease? Oh yeah, he also reportedly "met" his first wife when she was reportedly 13--or was it 14?--years-of-age. While I’ve long been a “fan” of Ted Nugent’s music (although I no longer buy his music due to his rampant Republican-ass-kissing and whatnot), I think his political and/or personal views make him come across as the most insufferable moronic dumbass who makes even the biggest dumbass celebrity--like, say, Donald Trump--come across as Albert freakin’ Einstein! Which is why I regard Ted Nugent as the Donald Trump of rock (without, of course, all the admitted child-raping!). And THIS is the A-Hole whom former Presidential candidate Mitt Romney sought out his endorsement? 

Oh yeah, here's the clip of the infamous Behind The Music episode where Ted Nugent admitted, even boasted about, his numerous "affairs" with UNDERAGE girls. Enjoy!


Pat Buchanan, a former Nixon/Reagan crony who co-hosted the legendary political hack-fest Crossfire, has made a virtual career out of touting who he feels is—and in particular who isn’t—a “real” American (such as himself, of course!). Some of these “unreal” Americans include Mexicans (in particular “illegal” immigrants as Pat has said if he were elected President he would erect a “great wall” around Texas borders to “protect” us—i.e. White Americans—from “illegal” immigrants, although Pat’s very own grandma was among the slew of Irish Catholics—of which Pat claims to be a proud one of—who fled to this country due to the Irish potato famine), women (whom Pat has stated should not share the same “rights” as men), homosexuals (whom Pat has referred to as the “pederast proletariat” whom he feels actually deserve to die of AIDS), African-Americans (whom Pat has actually stated are not as easy to “assimilate” into proper society as Caucasian/European-Americans whom he speaks so fondly of and also how “Negroes” were happier under segregation and even penned a column wherein he all but justified, as Rush Limbaugh has done, slavery along with apartheid), homeless people (whom Pat has said ought to be locked up for “threatening women and children” every day on the street even though, according to a number of statistics, a good number of homeless people are in fact women and children, not to mention that over a third of this nation’s homeless population are in fact war Veterans), and, most of all, Jews (as Herr Buchanan once reportedly attempted to prove how the diesel fuel that was used at the notorious Nazi death camp Treblinka could not have possibly produced fumes toxic enough to have killed the hundreds of thousands of Jews who died there, and Fuhrer Pat also criticized Jews as being “disloyal” for daring to criticize his former boss Ronald Reagan’s trip to a Bitburg, Germany ceremony honoring—that’s right!—Nazis, not to mention that Pious Pat penned a political tome that was published during the 2000 so-called elections—where Pat was running as the official candidate of Ross Perot’s now-defunct Reform Party, by the way—wherein he reportedly argued how America should not have fought Hitler during World War II). Pat Buchanan has also proudly boasted of how he was all for the little-guy/working-man in this country yet, according to another expose that was published years ago in Penthouse magazine (again, before Penthouse—like, of course, Playboy—began to dumb itself down), Pat and his (fill in the blank for yourself!) sister Bay Buchanan both have a reported reputation for regularly screwing over their campaign workers and/or other staffers during Pat’s campaigns for President (where he has—thank God!—lost every time). Also, while co-hosting the MSNBC show Buchanan & Press with noted “liberal” pundit Bill Press (who, unlike his Fox News’ counterpart Alan Colmes, can actually call himself “liberal” with a straight face!), Pat insisted how the Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines (more on her in a bit) should “apologize” to President Bush for daring to criticize him and his insipid war in Iraq even though Pat himself had initially criticized not only Dubya’s Iraqi “war” but his father’s Persian Gulf War as well, saying how he didn’t feel that “worthless” Kuwaiti emir was worth a single American marine. I’m personally waiting for Pat Buchanan to “apologize” to all of the people he’s criticized, belittled & condemned over the years who aren’t Rich, White & Republican like himself! Besides, speaking strictly for myself, I don’t want an A-Hole who’s openly praised the likes of Adolf Hitler—by reportedly calling him “an individual of great courage”—to decide who—and especially who doesn’t—“belong” in America or especially on who—and who doesn’t—constitute as a “good” American, do you? Oh, by the way, Pat Buchanan—and not, as you might’ve guessed, Bill O’Reilly!—was the A-Hole who initially coined the insipid idiom “culture war” during a predictably controversial speech of which he gave at the 1992 Republican National Convention to reportedly distract voters from the bad economy at the time. Just thought you’d like to know! But you know, come to think of it, maybe Pat Buchanan is right after all about not letting “illegal immigrants” into this country. I mean if Grandma Buchanan hadn’t been allowed to “immigrate” to this grand country along with all of Pat’s other Irish immigrant ancestors, then chances are we wouldn’t have had to deal with Pat Buchanan’s racist & intolerant—not to mention Nazi-esque!—bullshit all these years! You think? And, for all of you “European-Americans” who feel I’ve been unjust or unfair in my criticism of Mr. Buchanan, consider that renowned “conservative” newspaper columnist William Safire conceded years ago in Playboy that Pat was very much indeed a—hold on to your hats, folks!—anti-Semite. Again, just thought you’d like to know! Lastly, I can’t help but notice how many—or most—within the “liberal” media have yet to widely rebuke Pat Buchanan for his too-many-to-count bigotries; like, for instance, the following is an excerpt from Pat’s scarcely-scrutinized column aptly-titled “A Brief for Whitey”: “America has been the best country on earth for black folks. It was here that 600,000 black people, brought from Africa in slave ships, grew into a community of 40 million, were introduced to Christian salvation and reached the greatest levels of freedom and prosperity blacks have ever known . . . We hear the grievances. Where is the gratitude?” Oh yeah, MSNBC finally fired Pat's bigoted Nazi-loving ass NOT for the aforesaid piece but for the following piece where he wrote: “Those who believe the rise to power of an Obama rainbow coalition of peoples of color means the whites who helped to engineer it will steer it are deluding themselves. The whites may discover what it is like to ride in the back of the bus.” I don’t feel there’s anything else that needs to be said about Pat Buchanan, do you? 



Willie Horton has been the poster boy--and, no, I do NOT mean that in any “racist” way--of The Right’s racism ever since he was featured in that by-now-infamous campaign ad during the 1988 Presidential (so-called) elections. In the ad that targeted former Vice-President George Bush’s opponent Michael Dukakis, it brought up the inexplicable prisoner furlough program instituted in Massachusetts when Dukakis was governor of that state. The ad prominently featured Mr. Horton as the primary reason for the apparent failure of said prisoner furlough program. The Left pounced on the “use” of Willie Horton in the ad, saying how “racist” it was for the Bush camp to “use” him like this since, needless to say, Horton was an African-American. However, what WASN’T mentioned by The Left is why Willie was prominently featured in said ad and/or why he was even incarcerated in the first place.
Willie Horton was initially incarcerated after he had brutally stabbed to death a 17-year-old convenience store worker during a robbery ever after said 17-year-old convenience store worker gave him--and his cohort--all the money. But Willie Horton’s heinously brutal crime spree did NOT end there. Again, then-Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis implemented the aforementioned prisoner furlough program that allowed about a dozen prisoners to actually leave prison for an entire weekend. Among those dozen or so prisoners was none other than Willie Horton who was allowed to “participate” in the program in spite of the brutal nature of his crime (he had also reportedly sliced off the 17-year-old worker’s genitals and shoved them in his mouth as he lay there dying). While he was out on said furlough, Willie Horton proceeded to kidnap a husband and wife where he tied the husband up and forced him to watch while he brutally beat and raped his wife repeatedly. However, in spite of the sheer brutality of Willie Horton’s multiple crimes, if you Google Horton’s name even today you’ll find countless articles from various people on The Left about how “shameful”--and, of course, racist--George Bush and The Right was to “use” Willie Horton the way they did while saying nothing--I reiterate--NOT A DAMN THING about his brutal crimes.
I myself was not aware of what Willie Horton had done until I read about it in books by Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter (whom I am NOT a fan of, by the way). Of course, if The Left had in fact acknowledged the sheer brutality of Willie Horton’s crimes, then they [The Left] would know that they couldn’t prop him up as a poster boy--again, I do NOT mean this is a racist way--for The Right’s perceived racism as if HE were the real “victim” and not the actual victims of his crimes. While I’m certainly no ardent supporter of The Right and have my own issues with the (so-called) Right in this country (reread my article on Ted Nugent), it’s examples like Willie Horton that make likewise NOT a “supporter” of The Left in this country. Granted, there are abundant examples of The Right’s actual racism that The Left could--and have--focused on So why in the left-wing hell they [The Left] has chosen to focus so much of their time on Willie Horton is beyond me. The bottom line is, Willie Horton is a murderous rapist of the WORST kind who deserves to rot away in a jail cell for the rest of his miserable useless life and is not--I repeat--NOT a damned “victim” in ANY way, shape or form. And I say to hell with anyone from The Left--or elsewhere--who “supports” this murderous rapist bastard. The same way I say to hell with Willie Horton.


Joe Scarborough is a Republican-Congressman-turned-media-pundit who hosts his own show on Fox News rival MSNBC. Back in July of 2001, a Washington intern named Lori Klausutis was found dead in then-Senator Joe Scarborough’s office in Florida (where, of course, Dubya’s brother Jeb “The Other Fortunate Son” Bush was guv’ner). The “liberal” media, though they relentlessly vilified Democratic Senator Gary Condit for his as-yet-unproven role in the disappearance and subsequent murder of Lori’s fellow intern Chandra Levy without even the most minuscule of hardcore evidence (“informants” within the Washington D.C. police department reportedly informed the media, in particular the “Fair & Balanced” Fox News Channel, that Mr. Condit had supposedly “admitted” to having an illicit affair with the still-missing intern), said nary a blessed word about Lori’s highly questionable death; like, for instance, the medical examiner who had authored the autopsy report that claimed there was no “foul play” involved in her death, a Michael Berkland, had his medical license revoked in the state of Missouri back in 1996 for “falsifying” autopsy reports that happened to benefit the police department. This, of course, could help to explain the huge discrepancies between what Mr. Berkland told the Florida media—who, like the Florida authorities, appeared all-too-willing to let this matter drop and to not investigate the intern’s highly questionable death any further than what they did—about the true extent of Lori’s injuries, attributing her apparently peculiar death to her fainting from a weak heart and hitting her head on a desk, and what the autopsy report actually showed, that the extensive damage which was done to Lori’s skull suggested she had been struck with a blunt object. Plus the fact that Joe Scarborough himself told what turned out to be bogus reports to the media in Florida within three hours of the discovery of Lori’s body in his very office—even before her own family was notified of her death, by the way—that Lori had what A-Hole Joe described as a “complicated medical history” even though, according to Lori’s own family, she was as healthy as a horse (which is more than likely what led to Joe’s own advisor, a Mick Serrano, to contact the Florida media later on and advise them to stop reporting on Lori’s “complicated medical history”). Joe “Slayer” Scarborough himself later joked about Lori Klausutis’ tragic death on Don Imus’ radio show back in May of 2003 when Imus pointed out how Scarborough had told him how he had to “kill” his intern Lori Klausutis because he, like his fellow former Senator Gary Condit (at least according to Fox News!), admitted to having sex with her to which Regular Joe—as he likes to be called—replied, “Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?” I don't believe there's anything else that needs to be said, do you?


Bill O’Reilly, when he’s not being sued for sexual harassment by his female employees and when he’s not inviting terrorists to come and blow up major American cities and when he’s not lecturing former POW’s on the “effectiveness” of torture and when he’s not making not-so-veiled “lynching party” threats against the wife of a prominent Senator/Democratic Presidential hopeful of African-American descent and when he’s not making racial epithets against a Harlem restaurant and its clientele and when he’s not venomously attacking a grieving mother who’s lost her son to a war that he so orgasmically supports and when he’s not getting into pissing contests with celebrities over their charity work and when he’s not threatening the livelihood of some celebrity who he claims to be a “subversive influence” on children with one of his many insipid boycotts and when he’s not encouraging his superiors to file these absurdly frivolous lawsuits against those he don’t like and when he’s not belittling homeless Vets on his show, is finding new ways to make a D-Bag of himself. For instance, I saw the former illustrious Inside Edition host on Oprah Winfrey’s show back in October of 2006 touting his then-latest political tome shamelessly-titled Culture Warrior. In the book, and on Oprah’s show, Bill argued how (my paraphrasing) “moral relativism” was ruinous to our “culture” and our country. I admit, I have not yet read Culture Warrior (and, to be honest, I have no plans to). However, I have read Bill O’s first book the appropriately-titled The O’Reilly Factor, which is, of course, the name of his insipid show on Fox News. Here is what Bill himself had to say—on pages 32 & 33, to be exact—on the subject of “culture” and how he felt that Americans—including, apparently, himself—should respond to it: “[T]he constant sex of TV and movies doesn’t get me all worked up about declining values and ready to mount a moral high horse. As advertisers know, they are giving us what we want. Those who are really upset are definitely in the minority; those who pretend to be upset are downright phonies. Both groups are perfectly free to change the channel to PBS, C-Span, or whatever—or read a book!” And here’s a quote taken from Bill O’s Playboy Interview published in their May 2002 issue when Bill was asked if he was “self-conscious” when he wrote the—and, no, I’m not making this up!—sex scenes for his novel Those Who Trespass (which included a scene where a teenaged crack whore gave, shall we say, oral pleasures to her pimp; so much for engaging in moral relativism, huh?) and is a quote I feel is pretty self-explanatory: “No, I’m a pretty uninhibited guy. It doesn’t seem that way, because I compartmentalize. My social life doesn’t have anything to do with my news career. I don’t blend the two.” As for what Mr. O’Reilly espouses on his show, during the September 23rd, 2003 broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, Bullshit Bill, after kindly referring to his archenemy Al Franken as a “vicious” commentator, railed against those—i.e. “liberals”—who “poisoned civil debate” in this country and vowed to expose those who set out to “destroy” others reputations. Here is what Bill had to say later about Al “Vicious” Franken in another interview of his that was published in the October 6th, 2003 edition of Time magazine: “He got up in front of a national audience and called me a liar for 20 minutes. President Andrew Jackson would have put a bullet between his eyes!” Bill also, on page 184 of his book The O’Reilly Factor, kindly compares Rosie O’Donnell (yes, THAT Rosie O'Donnell!) to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels (so much for not “poisoning civil debate,” huh?). Also in his book, B.S. Bill decrees the following—on page 48, to be exact—regarding the Gulf of Tonkin incident which, for those of you out there needing a history lesson, became the catalyst for America’s “war” in Vietnam: “Tell me I’m arrogant, but I know that this cock-and-bull story would not get by me on today’s The O’Reilly Factor—or on other cable shows and Internet magazines. There are too many of us today who are not paid lackeys of the establishment. And more than one of us would be on the ground within hours, getting the real story from the guys on both ships.” Now, the million-dollar question is, just where in the blessed hell was all of this fearless journalism when then-President Bush was making his unsubstantiated claims about so-called weapons of mass destruction which, of course, became the catalyst for his own ill-fated “war” in Iraq? Instead, Bill “reported” on his show how all those who were against Bush and his doomed “war” were, as The Almighty O’Reilly kindly put it, “bad Americans.” If you want to see a “bad American,” Bill, just look in the mirror. Got it? And, just in case I haven't convinced you yet of what a D-Bag Bill "The Almighty" O'Reilly truly is, check out the following clip from his very own show. Enjoy!


Courtney Love, the controversial rock widow of the late Kurt Cobain who played Hustler publisher Larry Flynt’s doomed wife Althea in the critically-acclaimed film The People vs. Larry Flynt, once said of pornography how she regarded as an art form that’s, as she put it, “kinda gross.” Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, ruling in the 1964 Supreme Court case Jacobellis vs. Ohio that stated Ohio could not prohibit the showing of a controversial French film called The Lovers, made his by-now-infamous statement that (my paraphrasing) he didn’t know what pornography was but he knew it when he saw it. Pornography has undoubtedly become more “mainstream” than it was just a few decades ago, although, of course, there’s still a segment of the population, a sometimes very vocal segment, that still opposes it. Pornography or so-called pornography used to be regulated to stag films and seedy movie houses and didn’t start becoming more “mainstream” until the 1972 release of the by-now-classic Deep Throat starring the late Linda Lovelace. And that “dirty” film more than likely would have gotten nowhere near the, for lack of a better world, acclaim were it not for the actions of one Larry Parrish. Now just who in the world is Larry Parrish?
I’m glad you asked!
Larry Parrish is a prosecutor who, during the seventies, brought ex-porn star the late Harry Reems up on a trumped-up “conspiracy” charge for starring in Deep Throat. I myself did not know who Larry Parrish was until I had watched the documentary Inside Deep Throat about the film wherein Mr. Parrish was interviewed wherein he gave his same old tired anti-porn/anti-sex diatribes that he gave back when he was prosecuting Harry Reems—that, of course, is not his Christian name!—where Larry actually made the pronouncement how he would “rather see dope on the streets than pornography.” (This, of course, reminds me of when Oprah Winfrey, during one of her own anti-porn/anti-sex diatribes on her show, asserted her firm belief that so-called porn/sex addiction was one of the biggest if not the biggest “problem” facing this country even though Oprah herself has seemingly promoted so-called porn on her own show and in her magazine, which I will, of course, get into more in a bit.) Though Mr. Parrish did initially manage to “convict” Reems on said “conspiracy” charge, which left the door wide open for virtually any overzealous prosecutor to bring the exact same “charge” to any actor performing in any film, Harry’s highly dubious conviction was thankfully later overturned. But, at this point, I think some background information is in order.
For those who’ve never watched the film (including, believe it or not, myself), Deep Throat stars both Reems and the late Linda Lovelace—who would later become an ardent anti-porn crusader herself who had even claimed to have been forced at gunpoint to “perform” in the film--wherein Miss Lovelace introduced the sexually-repressed populace to the joys of fellatio—i.e. oral sex, oral lovemaking, head, blowjobs, sucking-off, pick your own favorite jargon!—hence the phrase Deep Throat. As I pointed out, the movie came out (pardon the pun!) at a time before pornography or so-called pornography became “mainstream” at least a decade before the popularization of home video—when one had to actually go out to a movie theater if they wanted to go see a “dirty” movie—and, of course, decades before the advent of the porn-saturated Internet. Richard Nixon—yes, Mr. Watergate himself!—had irately rejected the findings of the President’s Commission On Obscenity & Pornography that Lyndon Johnson had appointed back in 1968 that found no scientific link between so-called porn and deviant sexual behavior, declaring in Nixon’s usual thunderously pompous way how so-called porn “could poison the wellsprings of American and Western culture and civilization” and also how “American morality is not to be trifled with.” Of course, with Tricky Dick, as with so many other self-appointed moralists who aim to dictate the sexual mores of an entire nation, “morality” in the bedroom clearly did not extend to “morality” within the Presidency. (And, for those who would like a more thorough explanation of what I’m referring to, Google—which you can use for something other than downloading free pics of a woman fellating a horse!—the word “Watergate” to see what I’m referring to, all right?)
Going back to Larry Parrish, from Richard “If The President Does It, Then It’s Not Illegal!” Nixon’s comparing “the pollution of our culture” to “the pollution of our once pure air and water” and the Supreme Court—which was packed with Nixon appointees—ruling how the states can decide on their own laws and/or regulations regarding the sale and/or distribution of so-called pornography within their own borders, i.e. the highly ambiguous and totally arbitrary “community standards,” Parrish apparently felt emboldened to go after the rather lowly porn actor Harry Reems (but not, for some reason, Linda Lovelace or even the director of the film who was also interviewed for the abovementioned documentary, Gerard Damiano, who were both granted immunity by Parrish for their testimony against Reems; go figure!). However, as one can plainly see, Larry Parrish, Richard Nixon nor any of the countless other moralists who have come (again, pardon the pun!) after them have been unable to stop the, for lack of a better word, blitz of pornography or so-called pornography which has erupted (there again, pardon the pun!) since the release of Deep Throat—which by today’s “standards” would no doubt be regarded more as a Disney flick than an out-and-out smut film!—which has since gone on to “earn” an estimated $600 million, making it reputedly one of the if not the highest-grossing flick of all-time.
Going back to the the aforementioned documentary, Larry Parrish put his foot in his mouth again when he had insinuated how prosecutors and government officials should further go after those who manufacture and/or distribute so-called pornography by declaring how (my paraphrasing) if we can only get those pesky terrorists out of the way! Ironically, were it not for sanctimonious assholes like Larry Parrish, Richard Nixon, et al, I have little doubt that porn would not have become the multibillion-a-year business that it is today and has even become socially acceptable (at least somewhat so). Put another way, if Larry Parrish— and his goody-two-shoes ilk—didn’t have their self-righteous heads stuck so far up their self-righteous asses and had just kept their blessed mouths shut about Deep Throat, then maybe--just maybe!--it would have only played in a couple of seedy movie theaters and would have been forgotten about shortly thereafter. So, thanks for all the smut, Larry! You are a true Red, White & Blue—emphasis on blue!—American!