Saturday, April 20, 2013


Bill O’Reilly, when he’s not being sued for sexual harassment by his female employees and when he’s not inviting terrorists to come and blow up major American cities and when he’s not lecturing former POW’s on the “effectiveness” of torture and when he’s not making not-so-veiled “lynching party” threats against the wife of a prominent Senator/Democratic Presidential hopeful of African-American descent and when he’s not making racial epithets against a Harlem restaurant and its clientele and when he’s not venomously attacking a grieving mother who’s lost her son to a war that he so orgasmically supports and when he’s not getting into pissing contests with celebrities over their charity work and when he’s not threatening the livelihood of some celebrity who he claims to be a “subversive influence” on children with one of his many insipid boycotts and when he’s not encouraging his superiors to file these absurdly frivolous lawsuits against those he don’t like and when he’s not belittling homeless Vets on his show, is finding new ways to make a D-Bag of himself. For instance, I saw the former illustrious Inside Edition host on Oprah Winfrey’s show back in October of 2006 touting his then-latest political tome shamelessly-titled Culture Warrior. In the book, and on Oprah’s show, Bill argued how (my paraphrasing) “moral relativism” was ruinous to our “culture” and our country. I admit, I have not yet read Culture Warrior (and, to be honest, I have no plans to). However, I have read Bill O’s first book the appropriately-titled The O’Reilly Factor, which is, of course, the name of his insipid show on Fox News. Here is what Bill himself had to say—on pages 32 & 33, to be exact—on the subject of “culture” and how he felt that Americans—including, apparently, himself—should respond to it: “[T]he constant sex of TV and movies doesn’t get me all worked up about declining values and ready to mount a moral high horse. As advertisers know, they are giving us what we want. Those who are really upset are definitely in the minority; those who pretend to be upset are downright phonies. Both groups are perfectly free to change the channel to PBS, C-Span, or whatever—or read a book!” And here’s a quote taken from Bill O’s Playboy Interview published in their May 2002 issue when Bill was asked if he was “self-conscious” when he wrote the—and, no, I’m not making this up!—sex scenes for his novel Those Who Trespass (which included a scene where a teenaged crack whore gave, shall we say, oral pleasures to her pimp; so much for engaging in moral relativism, huh?) and is a quote I feel is pretty self-explanatory: “No, I’m a pretty uninhibited guy. It doesn’t seem that way, because I compartmentalize. My social life doesn’t have anything to do with my news career. I don’t blend the two.” As for what Mr. O’Reilly espouses on his show, during the September 23rd, 2003 broadcast of The O’Reilly Factor, Bullshit Bill, after kindly referring to his archenemy Al Franken as a “vicious” commentator, railed against those—i.e. “liberals”—who “poisoned civil debate” in this country and vowed to expose those who set out to “destroy” others reputations. Here is what Bill had to say later about Al “Vicious” Franken in another interview of his that was published in the October 6th, 2003 edition of Time magazine: “He got up in front of a national audience and called me a liar for 20 minutes. President Andrew Jackson would have put a bullet between his eyes!” Bill also, on page 184 of his book The O’Reilly Factor, kindly compares Rosie O’Donnell (yes, THAT Rosie O'Donnell!) to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels (so much for not “poisoning civil debate,” huh?). Also in his book, B.S. Bill decrees the following—on page 48, to be exact—regarding the Gulf of Tonkin incident which, for those of you out there needing a history lesson, became the catalyst for America’s “war” in Vietnam: “Tell me I’m arrogant, but I know that this cock-and-bull story would not get by me on today’s The O’Reilly Factor—or on other cable shows and Internet magazines. There are too many of us today who are not paid lackeys of the establishment. And more than one of us would be on the ground within hours, getting the real story from the guys on both ships.” Now, the million-dollar question is, just where in the blessed hell was all of this fearless journalism when then-President Bush was making his unsubstantiated claims about so-called weapons of mass destruction which, of course, became the catalyst for his own ill-fated “war” in Iraq? Instead, Bill “reported” on his show how all those who were against Bush and his doomed “war” were, as The Almighty O’Reilly kindly put it, “bad Americans.” If you want to see a “bad American,” Bill, just look in the mirror. Got it? And, just in case I haven't convinced you yet of what a D-Bag Bill "The Almighty" O'Reilly truly is, check out the following clip from his very own show. Enjoy!

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