Joe Scarborough is a Republican-Congressman-turned-media-pundit who hosts his own show on Fox News rival MSNBC. Back in July of 2001, a Washington intern named Lori Klausutis was found dead in then-Senator Joe Scarborough’s office in Florida (where, of course, Dubya’s brother Jeb “The Other Fortunate Son” Bush was guv’ner). The “liberal” media, though they relentlessly vilified Democratic Senator Gary Condit for his as-yet-unproven role in the disappearance and subsequent murder of Lori’s fellow intern Chandra Levy without even the most minuscule of hardcore evidence (“informants” within the Washington D.C. police department reportedly informed the media, in particular the “Fair & Balanced” Fox News Channel, that Mr. Condit had supposedly “admitted” to having an illicit affair with the still-missing intern), said nary a blessed word about Lori’s highly questionable death; like, for instance, the medical examiner who had authored the autopsy report that claimed there was no “foul play” involved in her death, a Michael Berkland, had his medical license revoked in the state of Missouri back in 1996 for “falsifying” autopsy reports that happened to benefit the police department. This, of course, could help to explain the huge discrepancies between what Mr. Berkland told the Florida media—who, like the Florida authorities, appeared all-too-willing to let this matter drop and to not investigate the intern’s highly questionable death any further than what they did—about the true extent of Lori’s injuries, attributing her apparently peculiar death to her fainting from a weak heart and hitting her head on a desk, and what the autopsy report actually showed, that the extensive damage which was done to Lori’s skull suggested she had been struck with a blunt object. Plus the fact that Joe Scarborough himself told what turned out to be bogus reports to the media in Florida within three hours of the discovery of Lori’s body in his very office—even before her own family was notified of her death, by the way—that Lori had what A-Hole Joe described as a “complicated medical history” even though, according to Lori’s own family, she was as healthy as a horse (which is more than likely what led to Joe’s own advisor, a Mick Serrano, to contact the Florida media later on and advise them to stop reporting on Lori’s “complicated medical history”). Joe “Slayer” Scarborough himself later joked about Lori Klausutis’ tragic death on Don Imus’ radio show back in May of 2003 when Imus pointed out how Scarborough had told him how he had to “kill” his intern Lori Klausutis because he, like his fellow former Senator Gary Condit (at least according to Fox News!), admitted to having sex with her to which Regular Joe—as he likes to be called—replied, “Yeah, well, what are you gonna do?” I don't believe there's anything else that needs to be said, do you?
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